Cold night

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The smell of sandalwood and dark aroma filled the bedroom one more time as Azael lit the last incense sticks. He breathed deeply in and out and stared at the black sun decorating one of the walls. Dressed in simple dark pants and only a long black cardigan on his upper body, he made his way into the bathroom, where Estell was accentuating her features with makeup. As Azael entered, she finished and started to pull her black nylons on her silk like elegant legs. He leaned on the doorframe and watched her for a while, with a look of a content and slight arousal. Not a moment too late, right as she finished and with a gentle passionate kiss on the neck, he wrapped his arms around her.

"You know, what is my favorite little detail about you? We could go to the most formal event or lay on the couch and you would still look vibrant and elegant as ever. I love it." Azael said calmly and contently.

"Well, I must have a way to counterbalance your compliments. So I'm not the only one blushing or drooling." Estell replied with a flirty tone.

"Heh. Well yeah, when you look like this... You always make me so wild darling." He whispered the last part and came closer, expecting a kiss.

Estell's form looked pale and fragile. White to slightly gray silken-like hair, which flowed over her body, reaching her chest. The irises of her eyes were dark shades of red to even maroon, which radiated aura of femininity and grace. Shadows also represented the color, so it contrasted with her skin, which was snow to sometimes the color of ash. There was one large, almost healed scar on the right side of her cheek.

"I know, my insatiable puppy." She whispered. "But adore your face when you yearn for me. And the positive attention you give me... Nobody can match that." Estell caressed his cheek, completely clean of any beard and they shared a passionate kiss.

Azael was also one out of the crowd. He had also white-ish skin, but more natural pigment then Estell. He had jet-black medium long hair tied into a bun on the back side of his head. There was a tattoo centering on the left side of his chest and leading to other parts of the body. Detailed black sun, whose rays of dark light chaotically twisted his skin on the left arm into abstract images. The right one was totally captured by vines and roses, with the tattoo ending right on his palm with a bloodied rose. All leading from the black sun in his heart.

They disjointed from each other. He cleared her hair from her face and put his hand on her cheek in a calm and kind fashion.

"You are light of life Estell. I don't know how else to say it." Azael finished, little embarrassed.

"That is a beautiful way of saying that dear." She said with an innocent and kind smile. "I always know, what're about to tell from the look on your face." Estell giggled and hugged him.

"Yeah, I noticed. Always one step ahead of me." He whispered for himself. Then reached for Estell's backside and started caressing her sides. After a while, her butt, which was covered in thigh leather skirt. Her upper body was in a white blouse.

"You are truly terrible. Never satisfied, aren't you?" Estell said in a humorous way.

"I suppose." Azael said laughing to himself and continuing more passionately.

"You are lucky I am too." She said, elegantly made her way out of the hug and kissed him, while pushing him to a wall.

Azael surprised at such a jump from her, stopped after a while and said. "Be careful darling. You know I appreciate when you are this wild, but you are still fragile." He said worried.

"Not with heat you provide me. Plus you were preparing a hookah no?" She said in a flirtatious tone that even surprised her. Not taken aback by his concern as she would normally react.

"Alright then." He ended the exchange and with wild kissing the two of them started making their way into the living room. Once they got there, she took the upper hand and pushed him on the couch. With an elegant step and sit, she caught both of his hands and said. "And now you are mine."

"Show me then, how much you are in control." Azael said expectantly aroused.

Estell perversely smiled and started kissing him while sinking her red nails into his chest. He put her hands on her butt, so he could enjoy her elegant curves. He then, as she stopped ripping into his chest, Azael took the opportunity and flipped her on her back and then grabbed her hands. He was really focusing on not gripping to hard and from time to time looked at her wrist, to know they were okay. Azael then bit into her neck a with a slight moan looked very satisfied.

"I love you Az." Estell said in a moment of ecstasy.

"I love you too Estell." He replied with the most genuine smile a man can muster.

Then with a bang outside, the windows that were closed until this very moment opened and cold air from the outside made its way inside.

"God-fucking damnit!" Azael shouted, tossed a heavy blanket over Estell, who started panicking. He ran to close the windows, then to back to Estell. He grabbed her into his embrace and on a few prepared pillows put her before the fireplace. Az then grabbed red-hot pieces of coal with pliers and put them on a hookah and brought it next to the pillows. Estell was shaking, completely enveloped by the blanket.

"Estell?! Darling? Are you alright?" He said and sat next to her, so he did not block the heat.

"I don't want to fall apart... I don't want to fall apart..." Estell kept repeating over and over.

Azael knew this situation very well, so he embraced her and started singing in a deep voice, which he knew would soothe her.

After a few minutes, Estell calmed down as much as she could after that panic attack and said. "Thank you..."

"No worries Estell. Let us just check that no damage was done, alright?" He said calmly and then slightly concerned.

"Yes..." He replied exhausted.

Azael went through her entire body and checked every inch. What he feared came to pass. The skin on Estell's wrist were deeply cracked. He worriedly took a breath, covered her back in the blanket and then went to the bathroom. The worried husband looked for her balm. He found it, then looked at himself in the mirror.

"Fuck...Fuck!" He shouted and punched into the wall. "What fucking series of events could open the windows in this goddamn winter..." Azael took a deep breath and returned to her.

"Come here darling, give me your hands." He said as he sat down next to her. She tiredly put her hands forward and he very gently massaged the balm into the seriously cracked wrists. "Here we are." He said, finally calming himself.

"If I cause you so much distress... Maybe you should have left me to fall apart. It would be so much less stress and work for you." Estell murmured and looked sadly at him.

"Never. That thought will never cross my mind." Azael said, even though he knew the strain it put on him. "Let us enjoy our spicy and fresh hookah hm? And forget that you were in any danger." Azael embraced her, his eyes closed. Estell smiled as his warm touch comforted her. Then while looking at symbol on the wall, a detailed black sun, she maliciously smiled.

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