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"... And I promise you my minions. As we tear the kingdoms of these ancient, rudimentary elves apart, we will conquer this world and set an era of peace never seen by anyone! Tonight, marks the end of the revolution and the beginning of a war! We will restore our pride. We will restore our honor. But most of all... We will restore the legacy of our people!"

The crowd chanted the last lines of his speech. His presence radiating power, extreme confidence, and ego. His long dense dark hair, covering his left eye, fluttering in the wind and his dark yellow eyes concerned with only the praise from his people. He was their symbol, their leader, their savior.

After enough charade he gave a light gesture and returned to his chambers right behind the balcony where he was giving the speech. The revolutionary came into his chambers and sat on the bed. Something was off. He convulsively reached for a glass of a black liquid. Out of it, a dark mist was seeping. Vapors of this mysterious liquid or something else? Even he did not know. He drank the whole glass and waited. A pulse came from his body, which shook the walls and slightly moved everything in the vicinity of the revolutionary. His veins blackened; The irises of his eyes changed to a blood red and he was shaking until another pulse, now through his body, which turned the veins natural again. He then got up and went out his chamber without a single thought.

He entered a hallway and made his way to the chamber right next to him, surprisingly without any doorway, just two dark violet slightly transparent curtains. There was a black sun decorating the wall above the doorframe. He drew the curtains aside and made his way inside.

There was a woman sitting on a black royal bed, with dark crimson blankets covering it and also slightly covering the beauty that was elegantly caressing her hair. She did not even flinch and with a confident voice and proud, yet calm tone asked. "How did the speech go darling?"

The loveliness of her visage was irresistible. Straight dark hair that just slightly reached to the level of her chin, dark purple eyes radiating confidence and sultry desires. Her full lips begging to be kissed. Tight black leather dress fitting just right on her skin and nylons alluringly accentuating her legs.

"I suppose it went well. I am good at persuading and speaking like that after all." He said, with an imposing and narcistic tone and stature.

"But?" She said, already expecting he would continue the dialog this way.

"But I felt it creeping again. Had to take a shot to... Calm myself."

"The memories or the demon?" She said slightly worried.

"Both, but I don't know..."

"Aww, come here." She gently said and gestured for him to sit next to her. He obliged. "Lay your head on my lap. You can worry about the revolution later, my little rebel."

"I can't rest... I have meeting with my council in a few minutes."

"You are their leader are you not?"


"The leader of mankind, the one who led humanity when it had nothing. You are the one who sets meeting, rules, everything. The meeting will be late Gabriel, because you need to rest. You need care. So, lie down and I will provide it to you. For once I will be kind." She ended with a flirty tone. He nodded and laid down. She started caressing his hair and gently fondled Gabriel's cheek.

"Now, my little puppy. Relax. Feel every touch I give you. Let every emotion flow through you and slowly fade away."

"Bella, I don't know if I can today..."

"Of course, you can. Should I come to more forward methods to relax you?" She said in a sultry tone, gently grabbed his chin and kissed him. "Hmm, you truly liked that, didn't you?" She said and looked at his crotch.

Gabriel looked away in embarrassment.

"Now, now. You never deny yourself and me pleasure. What is going on darling?"

"One simple thing."

"And that is?"

"You are not real." Gabriel said, gently gestured with his hand and the illusion went away. "It worked for a while..." He said in a desperate tone.

He was suddenly sitting in a half-destroyed throne room, desperately and angrily looking forward.

"I'm sorry sir, but this is the best we could acquire." His servant said.

"I understand..." Gabriel said, and in his throne, he leaned his cheek on his hand.

"Anyway sir, would be better if you forgot... "

"That's enough! Fuck off!

"Yes, sir." The advisor said and left the room.

For a while he kept shaking in his alternatively styled cloth tunic with irregular cape covering his left part of his body. Then he punched into a wall and screamed. "WHY?!" The stones fell next to him and a small hole was made, giving vision unto the lands of blood, corruption, and tragedy. Crimson daylight was slowly making its way on his face.

"And I thought after conquering the world you would be at least a little happy, my dark angel." A mysterious woman said, standing behind him.

Gabriel shocked turned around and saw Khalra. Woman, who cared for him, after Bella left him in the dust for another, but it is much more complicated than that. That is what Gabriel's friends would have told you. She would have said, it never had any future and it was the biggest mistake she ever made, because he betrayed her. And Gabriel tries to keep his view of this tragedy somewhere in the middle. But since she left, he has not smiled. Not once. Khalra met him, while he was giving a speech to his friends. Having a facade of a charismatic revolutionary. It was not a true façade though. He was exactly that, but he was suffering. Bleeding his soul on the ground and she stopped it. They helped each other.

"You came back..."

"I said I would, didn't I? Once I would be ready for someone like you."

"Heh, someone so broken?"

"No. Someone so determined to change the world, that he forgot how to change himself." She said and stepped forward with a clap of her heels.

"Khalra..." He turned around with pain, hate and sadness all circulating through his face and eyes.

"What? Am I, not right?" She said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah... It makes sense." He said defeated and sat with a slam full of anger on the throne.

She once more made her way towards him with an elegant step and then stopped at the right moment when the crimson light shined upon her.

Long raven straight hair draped over her shoulders. Brown simple eyes, but full of intelligence and wisdom, that he could find nowhere else. Her clothes were nothing he would put any mind to, except the heels. She was not like he remembered, but he knew it was her.

Khalra caressed his cheek and said. "Common, let's lie down on a comfy bed and get this hate out of you hm?"

"Yeah... That would be nice." He said, gave her a small smirk and then gave the same gesture as with the illusion before. 

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