Start from the beginning

"No, Scarlett its me. I'm here. I'm alive." He said. I still didn't believe him. I tried to shake my self awake but it didn't work. "Sweetie, its not a dream. I'm alive."

I couldn't wake up so it must be real. My eyes teared up of joy. "Daddy." Water was flowing down the side of my face. "What are you doing here? The funeral, you got buried... Wait the Casket was closed. I guess you weren't inside. Where are we anyway?" My dad being alive made my brain scramble.

"Calm down. We're at Mordecai's asylum. I've been here since I died... Mordecai said non of you would be in danger. He said he would leave you guys alone.." My dad was talking too much, I couldn't comprehend everything he was saying. Now I know how he felt just a second ago.

"Daddy slow down. Whats going on with you and Mordecai?" I spoke hushing him.

" All you need to know is that Mordecai is extremely dangerous, and you need to stay away from him."

"No. I want to know why he would be so interested in you, a regular vamp..."

"I'm not your ordinary vamp." My father said.

"Why can't people ever be specific? What do you mean you're not an ordinary vampire? Are you a ripper?" I took a deep breath and waited for my dad to answer. He didn't answer, he stayed completely silent. "Really Daddy? Tell. Me."

He was still quite still looking into my eyes. In a few seconds the door opened making a rubbing sound against the floor. The tall my that took me from my room, came in and unchained me. He picked me up and threw me over the shoulder, he started walking towards the exist. From a distance I looked into my father's eye. I managed to fight my way out of the mans arms. I ran over to my father's chained up body and kissed him on the cheek I whispered in his ear.

"This isn't over old man. I'll be back for you." The muscular man came rushing over and grabbed me. He dragged me out of the room. Eventually I would find out what he was, but now my to do list just got updated.... Set Father free.... The box was still waiting to be checked.

Mordecai's P.O.V

My trusty goon brought me Scarlett. He placed her in a chair. This time I didn't chain her up at all, she was no threat to me. She looked at me with hate and fury.

"Nice to see you again. How are you?" I greeted her politely.

"What do you want from me now?" Her eyes narrowed with hate.

"Now now now. I'm just trying to be nice." I put my face right in front of hers to intimidate her. "I know you broke the bond. Don't you think I would have felt that?"

"I don't care about what you feel." She raised her eyebrows, and her eye color changed, to a controlled rippers eyes. "See. I knew you werent human. Ripper."

I took hold of her face, turning it side to side, admiring her little peepers. She swung her head out of my grasp.

"Why don't you cut the crap? Why am I here Mordecai?" How disrespectful of her. I'm just trying to make conversation and she gives me attitude. I slapped her across the face.

"That is no way to take to a person." She giggled, and licked the blood from her lips.

"Well I guess your right. But I'm not talking to a person, I'm talking to a monster." She grinned at her witty remark.

"Listen here you ignorant little bitch. Stop trying to eliminate me, we all know you can't." My rage got the best of me and then it was gone.

"Does this mean you're letting me go?" She looked a little confused.

"This was simply just a warning. You try anything else and I will kill you and everyone you love." She looked terrified, my favorite sight. "Say hello to my Grandson for me."

I untied her and watched her walk away. She continuously looked back, as if she were waiting for something to happen. After she fleed the area I headed down to the cellurs to pay a visit to my guest. I goon ushered me, and opened the door for me. I stepped and walked over to the man chained to the wall. He looked furious with me, but why?

"What did I do?" I asked throwing my hands up in the air.

"My daughter. Why do you have her? You said you would leave them out of this." His expression was mixed with curiosity, anger, and confusion.

"What are you talking about?" I pretended I didn't know a thing.

"Don't bull shit me Mordecai. She was in here. I saw here." Taking in what he said I turned to my goon with anger.

"You complete moron. You put her in here with him? Urgh you continue to surprise me with your stupidity." I shoved my hand through his chest, grabbing hold of his heart.

"Sir. I'm sorry... I didn't kno.." My goon muttered, I ripped out his heart taking his life. I turned back to Roy.

"Why is it so hard to find good goons now a day?" I asked thinking that he would answer, but instead he was just staring at me with a blank face. "Your daughter got involved with me not the other way around." I threw the blood bag I had at him. He didn't move an inch. "Come on you need it. Drink brother."

Lilly's P.O.V

I noticed Scar was missing. So I called Carter, and Ally to come. We have been sitting her thinking of who or what could have took her. Jessy and Caleb thinks it Mordecai. We all sat there in silence concentrating. Suddenly the front door bursted open and Scar was rushing out of the hallway into the living room. We all stood surprised. Jessy ran to her side, embracing her in a tight hug.

"Mordecai. He had one of his goons kidnap me." She said panting.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Of course Jessy was concerned.

"He didn't hurt me. He just wanted to tell me not to try anything else. He felt the blood bond break.... He said if we tried anything, he would kill me and everyone I love."

"Well that changes everything." I said clearly stating the obviously. "Is there something else?" She looked pale, and worried.

"My father. He's... He's... Alive." My jaw dropped. I walked over to Scar and looked her deep in the eyes.

"Scarlett. That's impossible. He's dead." I said in the most sincere tone I could muster.

"I seen him. Mordecai has him. He has had him for four years. My father is hiding something though." She paused for a while and then continued. "All I know is that when we go to the asylum to defeat Mordecai, we are getting my father back."

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