Chapter ELEVEN

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Ash picked up the bag and slowly put it to her mouth... She paused and dropped her arms down.

"What if the bloods infected or something?? That's nasty." She questioned.

"Just drink it." Lilly said. Ash put the blood bag back up to her mouth... She started drinking slowly.. Then vains started to appear on her face, around her eyes. She consumed the blood quicker. She stopped drinking stood up and looked at me like juicey stake. That must have meant something bad. She ran at me, with her red eyes and fangs out. Jessy zipped in front of me and stopped her by snapping her neck.

"Holy fuck?!?! What did you do??" I asked with rage.

"She would have drained you of your blood." He said

"You didn't have to kill her!" I yelled at him.

"She's fine. She'll wake up. Hello she's a vampire now remember..." Jessy said. I just looked at him with a stare that made him know that I didn't like how he snapped her neck. But he just ignored me and gave more orders. "Kyle, in my car I have chains in my trunk. Get them."

"Planning on getting freaky?" Kyle teased and left to go retrieve the chains.

"Lilly I need a dinning room chair." With in a flash she was gone and then back with the chair.

Jessy lifted Ash off the floor and put her in sitting position on the wooden chair. Kyle came back with the chains just in time. Kyle and Jessy then chained her up. Chains were all over her body.

"She going to be out for awhile. We should get some sleep." Kyle said.

"I agree." Lilly said. They both returned to Lilly's room. Leaving me and Jessy in the living room.

"I'll watch her." He volunteered. "You should go get some sleep." He smiled at me.

"How about I stay with her. You may do something stupid... Like kill her." I stated.

"I'm sorry..." He came close to me and touched my arm like Carter did, but it didn't feel the same. "She was gonna hurt you."

"Fine I'll go to bed. Call me if something interesting happens." I turned to walk up the stairs. When the front door flew open. I ran to Jessy for protection. A man with black hair and red eyes walked to the door and stopped. He spoke in a deep sarcastic voice.

"Can I come in?" He questioned.

"Hell no." I said.

"I like you. You're full of life. But I really didn't need your permission." He walked through the door and smerked. "I'm not your ordinary vampire." He ran up to Jessy and snapped his neck. He was too fast for Jessy. I was terrified. I started to run.

"Really..." He sighed and zipped in front of me. "You and I need to have a little chat." He grabbed me and pulled me to a black car. He threw me in the trunk.

"No! Please!" I was in tears begging for my freedom.

"Good night." He said. He punched me in the face and knocked me out cold.

Ash's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes slowly. It was blurry. Did Jessy snap my neck? What the fuck? I tried to get up but noticed I was chained down. I looked around the room and seen Jessy laying down on the floor. He looked dead. I decided to yell for help.


I seen Lilly run down the stairs, she tried to run to me but she tripped on Jessy's body.

"Smooth." I commented. She rolled her eyes and looked over Jessy's body.

"What the hell happened?"

"I don't know. Why am I chained to this chair??" I was curious.

"You tried to attack Scar, Jessy snapped your neck and tied you up." She answered and went upstairs to go get Kyle.

"Wait? Can you untie me first??" I asked. She rolled her eyes, zipped over untied me and zipped back up the stairs. "THANKS!' I yelled back.

They came back with a bucket of water and dumped it on jessy. His eyes flicked open they were red, he blinked and when he opened his eyes again they were normal. He sat up and turned his head to us.

"He has her. He took Scar!" He was scaring me.

"Who took Scar?" Lilly asked Jessy.

"I don't know. But he was strong and fast." He said as he got up off the floor. "DAMN IT!" He shouted ragefully.

Scar's P.O.V

It was pitch black. I was tied to a chair. But my mouth wasn't taped or gaged at all. I tried to scream for help.

"HELP!" No answer. "SOMEONE PLEASE!" The light turned on. I was in a white room, beside me were a bunch of sergine's tools. Under my chair my chair there was a plastic cover. It looked like I was in a torture room. I was mortified. I looked at the door and seen the same man that kidnapped me just standing there. He came in and closed the Door. 

"I'm Mordecai." He said with a smile.

Mordecai's P.O.V

This girl was so pathetic looking, but I know she could be stronger. Its in her blood. I walked to her and she whenced. Her fear of me was satisfying.

"Hello Scarlett." I caressed her jaw line. "Are you ready to have our conversation now?" I asked only to make her feel better. She looked more mad than scared. This made me furious. "So what kind of creature are you?" I asked but she did not answer. Even though I wanted to torture her and see her blood on these white walls, I gave her another chance. "I suggest you tell me before I have to use torturous methods." She ignored me and turned her head. "I guess we will just have to experiment on you like a lab rat." She looked pale out of fear. I picked up the scapple and put it close to her chest. She attempted to draw herself away from me but she couldn't because she was tied up. She finally decided to speak.

"I'm a human." I didn't believe her. So I took the scapple and cut a slit in her shirt, and tore it down the middle. I put the scapple on the right side of her chest. I closed my eyes to embrace the beautiful sounds of torture. As I sled the sharp object across her soft skin, boring a large slit in her upper body, she screamed out in agony. It sounded beautiful.

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