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Later that night, just after sunset, the heat was finally bearable.

After spending all day out in the sun, it really sucked the life from the group of young-adults. Five, of the seven, stars sat sprawled out in the living room.

George and Simon were hunched over the table playing an intense game of Monopoly. Lawrence was perched on the edge of a sofa glaring at the tv screen as two, unfamiliar, teams battled it out on the football field. Ringo was attempting to read one of Mathilda's romance novels, which wasn't going well. While Mathilda herself picked mindlessly at Paul's guitar.

McCartney and Lennon had just disappeared, they had been talking in the kitchen suspiciously for the past forty-five minutes.


"Another one!" Simon giggled as George rolled mismatched numbers, meaning he was still stuck in jail, "didn't put you off as a criminal, Harrison" he teased, George rolled his eyes.

"You idiot!" Lawrence screeched, as the green team scored against the blue, mathilda bit back a laugh as she noticed the angry look on his face.

"I'm going to get something to eat" she smiled perching Paul's guitar on the edge of the sofa, before turning to the group.

"Want anything?" she asked, "can I get those biscuits in, please?" George begged, the girl nodded a response before walking off to the kitchen.


She knocked on the closed door, not wanting to interrupt, she winced as the door squeaked open before John Lennon's head poked out.

He smirked.

"ooo...Paulie" he sung swinging open the door, Paul smiled from his seat on the counter.

"Just grabbing some cookies-" she said slowly as the two men stared at her with suspicious smirks.

"Are you okay?" she asked, the both nodded, still refusing to blink. She turned back to the kettle which she turned on before reaching up to get the cookies from the top shelf.

"How are you feeling, love?" John's voice startled her as he appeared, very closely, at her side.

"Do you need help?" Paul asked as he appeared, even closer, at her other side.

Mathilda could feel their breath hitting the side of her neck and tiggling on her back, goosebumps arose on her skin.

"I'm okay!" she choked out nervously, grasping the packet of biscuits, "i'm just gonna..." she trailed off motioning to the door, John and Paul nodded, waving as she left.

And when she closed the door she could hear their chuckling on the other side.


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