ch 5; i'm the king of everything.

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Sundays are often a minimal affair at Hogwarts. Especially Sundays like this one where it's dark and gloomy and it's been raining constantly with frequent lightning and thunder. It's also one of Harry's favorite days of the week because he can luxuriate staying in the bed past 9 AM. But today, he is woken up by the sound of loud thunder and he was too hungry to fall back asleep so, he waddles into the Great Hall for some late breakfast, pulling his sweater's sleeves to cover his palms for some much needed warmth.

It's late but it's not that late, there's many empty seats at the tables of every House. He knows Niall is still sound asleep and will be out till they practice their Quidditch today. A shudder runs through him when he even thinks of Quidditch in this weather; all he wants is to stay indoors, wearing his fuzzy socks and soft, soft sweats which hang low on his hips.

There's hot chocolate poured in a cup when he sits at the Gryffindor table and he quickly wraps his palms around the warmth, a satisfied hum escaping his lips.

Taking a sip, the sweet chocolate melts on his tongue readily. Appreciating the much needed quiet morning, he curls up with the mug, the side of his forehead against the table. After a solid week of running around for classes and doing mundane homework, this morning is certainly well deserved.

Harry jumps when he feels a hand on his back and shoots his head up to find Sophia Smith, the Captain of Gryffindor Quidditch Team.

"It's just me," she flashes him an easy smile before settling down beside him. He's thankful that her voice is low and soft enough to blur into the quietness of this morning. The last thing he needs is any disruption to his haven.

"Very grateful that it's just you," he grins, taking another sip.

"Always this charming, eh?" shaking her head fondly at him, she gets to the point, "But listen, we need to talk."


"The Quidditch match. Seamus will be replacing you as a Chaser," Sophia informs him.

Harry feels a mountain of relief, "I'm fine with sitting this one out, believe me."

"Yeah, no. You're still playing." She bites a piece of her toast, a grin forming when she sees his face fall at the news, "But we've decided to bring you in as a Seeker."

"What, why?" he grumbles, covering his face in his hands.

She laughs, rubbing his back as if to coax him to be a Seeker, "Because we're playing against Slytherin and you know, Zayn Malik is their Seeker. Remember what happened to Seamus last season?"

He nods. Harry does remember. Had heard that once Zayn gave a glaring look at Seamus and he backed off from catching the Snitch. And in another match, he shoved Seamus so hard that he woke up in the infirmary a week later. Not just him but most Slytherins play a very intense game. It's always a challenge playing against Slytherin and sometimes, Ravenclaw. Difficult to predict where it could go.

"It's great that you're setting me up for such violence," he supplies cheekily, looking at her with a playful tinge of betrayal.

She rolls her eyes at him, "Well, he won't do that to you. I saw you guys talking the other night. Aren't you like, mates now?"

"Not really," Harry says, shrugging his shoulders.

He had forgotten about that night after not seeing Zayn in the succeeding days. His fingers tighten around the mug as he remembers what Zayn told him about Liam. Who is he to go around making blanket assumptions, they've barely spoken to each other decently once. But Harry can't help but feel a nagging fear in the pit of his stomach, that Zayn might be right. Spent a couple nights thinking if it was true and if it wasn't, why it was affecting him this much.

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