.°• The End Of Time •°. (3)

Start from the beginning

My heart stopped as I looked at the unconscious Gabrielle Agreste. My partner had visibly stiffened at the sight of him. I looked up at him to see several tears gush out of his eyes. "C-Chat?" I said softly. He didn't spare me a glance. Instead he leapt off with his baton and in a blink of an eye he was gone. 

I sighed and stared  down at Gabrielle. So he was Hawkmoth the whole time? No wonder he was so cold and distant. And I wonder why he wanted our Miraculous'. I felt a pang of guilt as I thought about Adrien. He would be so heartbroken to find that his Father was a criminal this whole time and Natalie was his partner in crime. 

I heaved him on the side on my shoulder, authorities arriving quickly and red and blue flashes filling the scene. I handed Gabrielle and Natalie over to the police, they would probably take them to court and then probably jail. 

I quickly went and de-transformed an alley way. An exhausted Tikki landing in my hands. I placed her in my purse which was filled with cookies and ran to my next destination: Master Fu.


I reached Master Fu's house earlier than I had anticipated, fortunatly. He had welcomed me in his cosy japan-styled (A/N: I don't know/I forgot what he is so...) house. I had a quick cup of herbal tea then got down straight to business. "I suppose these belong to you, Master Fu." I said as I handed him the two Miraculouses I had claimed today. His face was one of relief and happiness, "Thank you, Marinette. I had always believed in you and your partner." He smiled with his wise aura floating around him. "Now, I believe you have someone to look for." I was confused for a moment then I remembered Cat Noir. I have to find him. "Thank you, Master." I bowed my head quickly and he returned with a smile. 

I sped out of his house, transforming into my alter ego and scavenging every nook and corner of Paris to Find my partner. "Chat? Cat Noir! Chaton?" I yelled everynow and then, but was met with silence as a response. I grumbled in frustration, worry growing in my heart. He was no where. 'He could've transformed into his civilian self'  My mind reasoned. 

I scanned the city from as far as I could see from the tip of the Eiffel Tower, no sign of him to be seen. It started to rain heavily. "M'lady?" A small voice came from behind me. I whipped around to meet Cat Noir, his green eyes glowing in the now night sky, his ears back and stuck to his head. His posture was hunched, his voice pitchy and breathing ragged as if he had been crying. "Chat." I exclaimed, breathing out a sigh of relief as I ran to hug him. "Are you okay? What happened? Talk to me Chat." He turned his head away from me, I could hear small sobs escaping him, soon turning into wails.

My heart broke in that instant. 

"Chat..." I made him face me, my fingers gently pushing his face to face me. Tears kept flowing down his chin, making tears come in my eyes too. "What's wrong? Did I do something?" I asked in a soft voice. Finally, a response came from him. "When I was a child, my Mother had... gone away. She left me and my dad alone. My dad became so distant, so cold towards me. I barely got to even see him. He always busied himself with... work. It felt like I had lost my Father that day when Mother had passed away. I-I still love him though, b-but now I'm not so sure. I had always loved him. I had believed he loved me too but-" He broke down into more sobs, my eyes watering as I hugged his head in my arms. "It was him! He was him all this time! Corrupting innocent lives and putting Paris in danger. Putting you in danger. I... I thought i'd lost you today because of him!" He released himself from the hug. I looked up into his glassy eyes and that's when it all struck me. Everything had come together now like puzzle pieces. I knew who he was, and that was enough for me to brake down into sobs to. 

He looked at me, confused at why I was crying. I covered my mouth as sobs escaped me. Adrien, Cat Noir, Hawkmoth and Gabrielle. Cat Noir was Adrien. Hawkmoth was his father. A pang of despair hit me as memories of him being sad and lonely because his dad ran through my head like a movie tape. Images of Cat Noir feeling low, ranting about he wished his relationship with his dad was like the one he had with his mother. I did the only thing I could do at that moment. 

I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards me, going on my tip toes and kissing him. It was a sweet kiss. A kiss expressing many emotions at once. Love, Sadness, Passion. A kiss at the tip of the eiffel tower while it rained and while we both still had tears falling down our cheeks. 

(A/N: Eek! Ladynoir!)

I broke the kiss as I ran out of air. He looked at me with a dazed expression, his tears coming to a halt. At the same time we both de-transformed and I smiled looking at him. "Marinette..." He said surprised. "Don't ever cry again, Adrien. We'll handle this together, hand in hand. I'll always be here for you." 

He pulled me into another short kiss. I smiled against his lips. "I think we should get going now, Chaton. It's getting rather chilly up here plus we have to take care of Hakmoth and Mayura in court." He stilled for a second at the mention of their names but then calmed as I slid my hand into his.



Yeah... SO that's that. Some Ladynoir and Adrienette fluff for you guys, hoped you enjoyed. Sorry if it got a bit to sappy or a bit too sad. I can over do it sometimes, heehee. Well since this reveal story is complete, what do you think I should do for the next reveal? Based on a Comic reveal idea or one of my own? Please comment your opinion! Thanks for voting on this chapter, I tried to give it my best. 

Also to clear things up for this chapter, yes, Ladybug did not use her Lucky Charm. I wanted to show that sometimes things don't need Luck, just a little logic and thinking. Uh, second thing is that in this reveal the Kwami's don't really run out of time. Yes, they do get exhausted the more longer you are transformed but yeah there isn't any time limit (For more than few hours that is). I didn't show or write much about the Kwami's in this reveal so maybe in the next one they'll be in the spotlight? 

Well, that's it! Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

1932 word count.

~Bug Out!

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