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Hey everyone! How's quarantine going? Hehe... Well, in case you were wondering why I haven't updated for a bit is that I'm currently really busy plus I need more of your opinions (Yes, even silent readers) for the last chapter I posted named 'Opinion'. If you could write down a comment and vote on what type of shorts you want that would be a really big help. Also, I'm thinking that I will slowly post the comics I used as the plot for my stories on 1 chapter each. 

Okay... So that's all I need to tell you guys! Thanks, once again, for all the hilarious and kind comments you post as well as the votes. It means a lot to me. Anyways, I'll see you guys in the next miraculous chapter!

~Bug Out

P.S. who's dying to see Season 4?! I have a really big spoiler which I can post if you want. Just comment if you want the spoiler, it's horrific (Bout season 4 and 5). 

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