At that moment, Ally knew they were in for quite a journey and she was quite happy that they had other people around. It's been a long year for them.

Grant Kelly lead them to a few of the necessity rooms, the control room, engine room, storage room and a few of the bedrooms. "The Fortuna was built for around 100 passengers, and we set off with 50, however due to 'complications' 39 of them have passed. Rest in Peace. Anyway we have around 35 rooms, 8 which are being used. so for relocation for 98?" Grant Kelly stopped as he realized he didn't know the actual number.

"98 people, 1 robot." Judy resolved his question. She was stood next to him as they walked.

"Plus one very annoying conniving hostage." Penny added trying to keep cool. This made Lenny and Ruby harbor very dubious faces.

"Sounds right! Who can forget Dr.Smith? I'll answer questions when we're sat down." Judy kept walking along with her father. This was all new and she was still experiencing the pain of losing Maureen and John.

"Ok well that brings me to the final area, the 'living room'." Grant Kelly concluded standing in the doorway. It was a circular shaped room with a 13 seater circular sofa, in addition there was a few one seater seats on the side. In the middle there was a big white table that could be of many uses. the room easily fit 20 people. there was storage compartments on the walls. The room also had a small snack cupboard on the side.

 The room also had a small snack cupboard on the side

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(there was 2 of these connected to each other)

(there was 3 of these in the gap of the circle)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(there was 3 of these in the gap of the circle)

(there was 3 of these in the gap of the circle)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(table in the middle)

Everyone stood gawking at this room, the Fortuna may be 20 years old however it was well made. There was already 4 people  sitting down. "You just going to stand there or sit down and discuss whatever." Avery said sitting down comfortably leaving everyone. All 10 of them sat down.

"Hi, I'm Charlie Gonzalez, and they are Willard Cardenas over there in the red shirt, Mollie Estrada with the red hair and that Spanish woman is Ladonna Avila." One of the people sat down introduced them as they all waved.

they all sat around the table.

"Vijay and Aiden are taking care of the 92 kids, that leaves us with 2 hours before we should probably inform them what's going on. I'm really not sure what we should be saying?" Judy said, making the adults chuckle at the final question.

"Yea, these circumstances don't really come often!" Ladonna said sitting cross-legged on the sofa. Penny did the same.

"Actually I have a question, how did you guys survive?" Penny asked. If there was a place to start the conversation she would start with questioning the survival of the people that are supposed  to be dead for 19 years.

"We were on our way to Alpha Centauri, our course was set. It was all on schedule. We were five months into our journey. We had 20 months left. Then we had an engine failure however it was just a miniature failure." Ally started the story of their Journey. "Charlie want to continue?"

"We had more than enough fuel, and we couldn't really do the fixes while flying. So we landed on this planet. It had everything. We tested the air and it was breathable. That's when we crashed into something of theirs. We didn't know though. Trevor?" Charlie explained, he tensed.

"This is nothing compared to us!" Penny mumbled, earning a elbow on her arm from Lenny. It was probably a shut up jab.

"What we didn't know was that if we left our ship, which we did for a bonfire night. A break from being Lost in space. The thing that they wanted we were carrying unknowingly the whole time. They attacked us injuring 3 of us, Sadly, they killed 39 of us. They took what they wanted and left. Mollie?" Trevor lowered his voice at the death part.

Mollie nodded and leaned back. "We quickly did repairs and flew off the next day. We continued our journey to Alpha Centauri. However that was the cause of even more problems. We didn't set the right course to continue. We were 4 months in when we realised. It had been too hard to continue though. 39 lives. Innocent. Taken. We landed on the planet we are now  orbiting. It wasn't destructed then. Willard please continue."

"We settled on it, it had an atmosphere. But we didn't originally land on this one we explored a few others. But we settled on this one. Successfully we spent 17 years on it. Some of us even had kids. 3 by the way. We were living ideally. Then it opened a Black Hole out of nowhere, although then we realised it was more like a portal or whatever. It opened and it closed 3 hours later, in that time we saw three alien ships leave. Curiosity got the better of us. We went back up. Once again we got attacked. This time I think they took our signal. Tracked it's signature. I'm not sure what they did with it though. They didn't damage the ship or anything. Anyway please excuse me I think the kids will wake up soon. Samantha come with me. Grant you can say the rest?" Willard said getting up hand in hand with Samantha and leaving the room. 

Grant looked down, he was sat in his own chair. He put his hand holding his face. "We went back  down on the planet, 8 months of peace on he planet. It was all good. Then something happened 7 and a half months that changed basically everything. Something wrecked the orbit of the planet, breaking off a piece of the planet causing this destruction. Something in-explainable by physics. So we'were rocked as well and here we are. We've been living off of the plants that we grew on the planet. Enough to last 10 people 5 years. We vacuum sealed quite a few. We also saved prey. We also have what was essentially enough food stock for 50 people to last 60 years. so no big shortage there."

"Wow. Our  story is longer. Way longer, you may want to get popcorn or something because it's long. " Penny said exaggerating it.

"You remind me of the time I met your mother, I can do something about the popcorn though! We grew corn and..." Grant Kelly saw Maureen in both Penny and Judy, it was astounding. 

"Grant! Honey! Madi is asking for you!" A woman stated, running into the room. She had black hair and brown hazel eyes.

"Madi?" Judy asked.


AN: Sorry for not updating for quite a few days my friends mum has cancer and my friends stayed over quite a few nights so I didn't have time I might update tomorrow I'm not so sure though. It's either tomorrow or Sunday so yeah.... I'm so excited for LIS season 3, Max posted about his flight today!! You can message me about anything! All reads, comments and votes are well appreciated! Enjoy!!

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