Mission 10 (Rewrite)

Começar do início

Dante looks at the demons before he throws his sword to get some damage on the demon before the demon is dead quick.  Dante brings his sword back before we notice the last demon was coming towards us, "Let me have this." I said to Dante.  Dante looks at me before he lets me have the last demon, "He's all yours." Dante says to me.  I pulled out my guns before I started firing my guns at the demon's weaknesses till the demon was dead.  The gates were lifted up.

Dante's POV

(Y/n) looked at me before we started walking towards the doors, but once I opened the doors.  I felt (Y/n) pulled me out of the way when I opened the doors because it was those same annoying demons again that kept throwing blue lights daggers at us.  (Y/n) just pulls out her guns before she starts firing her guns at the demons before I used my sword to get some good hits on the demons and we were able to kill them before we were running back to the other doors, we opened the doors to see that it was the same room that we had to solve the puzzle earlier.

We were running before we were in another room that has the big ass spider-demons.  (Y/n) grabs my hand real tight before I squeeze her hand back, but before we could leave those spider-demons came and tried to kill us, "Dammit!" (Y/n) yells out in a pissed off tone.  Me and (Y/n) let our hands go before we started fighting the spider-demons again, we were fighting them til one of the spider-demons tried to web (Y/n) again.  I was running towards her in my demon form before I tackled her on the floor quick, "You okay?" I ask (Y/n) in a concern tone in my voice.  (Y/n) looks at me before she tells me, "Yeah, thanks for the save." (Y/n) said to me.  I looked at (Y/n) before I nod my head at her before I started to get off of her before I got out of my demon form before I helped (Y/n) back up to her feet.

The spider-demons were closing in on us before (Y/n) got out of the way before she fired her gun at the spider-demons.  We were able to kill them quickly, "Finally. I never thought, we will get rid of them." (Y/n) said to herself.  I just chuckled at her before we left the room and we made it back to the bridge, we were walking for a bit before I stopped and I started to played around with the blue ball in my hand before I used my leg to kicked up as a soccer ball before doing some amazing tricks on it.  The blue ball was coming down, but I jumped up and kicked the blue ball and I was able to make it through something, "Goal!" (Y/n) yells out to me with a smirk on her face.  I just chuckled at her before we felt the bridge start to move.

(Y/n) was impressed by my skills and she started to smile at me before she grabbed my hand and started to get close to each other before we kissed on the lips before we went forward.  We pulled away from each other before we started walking on the bridge to go another way.  We were near the door and we opened the door and we saw the same man that was with my brother.  (Y/n) looks at the dead guy before she mutters out, "Oh man... I can't believe your brother could be this cold to someone." (Y/n) mutters out to me.  I looked at (Y/n) before telling her, "Vergil will do anything if it comes to power, no matter what." I said to (Y/n).

(Y/n) just sighs at this before we start walking closer to the man's body, but as we get a little closer to the man's body.  I had a feeling that someone was behind us, so I pulled (Y/n) out of the way before pulling her closer to my chest.  I turned around to see the woman that I called her Lady.  Lady was pointing her gun at me before I started talking to her, "Well that was quick." I said to Lady.  Lady ignored me and she started walking past us, while she was still pointing her gun at me and (Y/n).  Lady was walking a little closer to the man's dead body before she ask us, "That man... did you two kill him?" Lady asks us.  (Y/n) looks at Lady, but before she could say anything to her, I grabbed (Y/n)'s hand to make sure that she didn't say anything to her.

I looked at Lady before telling her, "So what if I did?" I ask Lady with a cocky tone in my voice.  Lady tries to shoot me again, but I moved my head out of the way before I moved (Y/n) to be behind.  Lady kept trying to shoot me, but I always dodged her bullets, I noticed Lady was going to shoot (Y/n), "No!" I yelled out to Lady.  Lady was close to shooting (Y/n), but I pulled out my guns and we started having a gun battle while we were trying to block each other from getting shot, "Enough!" (Y/n) yells out to us.  Lady didn't like her answer, "Shut up!" Lady yells out to (Y/n).

(Y/n) looks at Lady, but before she could say anything to her.  I'll just tell her, "Don't. I don't need you to get hurt." I said to (Y/n).  (Y/n) looks at me before she nods her head at me.  Lady was talking to us, "He was obsessed with becoming the Devil. So much he killed his own wife." Lady said to us in a pissed off tone.  Me and Lady kept shooting at each other, but we moved each other's arms to make sure that none of us got shot, "For that he butchered innocent people too. He's the most vile kind of creature." Lady said to us.  Lady was coming closed to me before I picked her up and spin her around before letting her go, but Lady was shooting her guns at me, but I just spin around in the air to dodge her bullets.

Once me and Lady were on the floor again.  I looked at my red trench coat to see that it has bullet holes in them.  Lady gets up and starts running towards me with her firing her guns at me before I jump up and fire my guns back at her.  Once we were on the floor, we pointed our guns to each other before Lady got up slowly, "To top it off, that filthy scum is my father." Lady said to me in a pissed off tone in her voice.  I looked at Lady before telling her, "Well, we have something in common. I have a dysfunctional family too."I said to Lady with a little smirk on my face.

Lady points her gun at me before I noticed (Y/n) was walking towards me, but she stopped when Lady was looking at her with a glare on her face, "And what would you know about family?! You're a demon! This is my father... my family! This was all supposed to end by my hand!" Lady yells out to us.  (Y/n) looks at Lady before telling her, "I know what it feels like to lose a family. I lost my family from a car crash. Turns out it was a drunk driver that killed my parents, but somehow I am still alive. Sometimes, I wonder, why the hell am I still alive!?" (Y/n) yells out to Lady.  (Y/n) looks at Lady, but this time (Y/n) had tears in her eyes, "The people let the drunk driver go! My parents death was all for nothing and I am so pissed that I couldn't see them anymore! They are gone and dead, so you don't talk about how it feels to lose a family!" (Y/n) yells out to Lady in angry tone in her voice.

(Y/n) was not done talking to Lady, "You don't talk about him as well! He may be a demon, but at least this demon has a heart! And the heart comes from a loving family! He has a family too! So do me a favor! CAN YOU AT LEAST SHUT THE FUCK UP!" (Y/n) yells out all of her rage but of course tears were coming down off of her eyes.  Lady looks at (Y/n) with a pissed off look on her face, but before she was going to shoot me.  I noticed (Y/n) was giving Lady a death look on her face before Lady lowers her gun down away from me.  Lady looks back at her dead father, before it gets a little quiet, "Aren't ya gonna shoot?" I ask Lady.

Lady was quiet before I told her, "Well that's a switch." I said to Lady.  Lady doesn't look at us before she tells us, "Just go. I don't care anymore." Lady said to us. (Y/n) looks at Lady before telling her, "Thank you." (Y/n) mutters out to Lady.  I'll move my arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder before whispering her in her ear, "Come on." I whisper to her ear.  (Y/n) looks at me before she nods her head at me.  Me and (Y/n) started walking away from Lady before I muttered out,"Family, huh?" I ask myself.  (Y/n) lays her head down on my shoulder before I feel tears that were coming down off of her face before she moved her head off of my shoulder before I grabbed her hand and held her hand tight.

Jackpot baby: Devil May Cry 3 (Dante x reader)  Book 1: RewriteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora