Chapter Thirty-Two: Living Lumbar

Start from the beginning

   "Exactly HOW did I get roped into this one again?" I make a moue of distaste and dig into the bowl that's holding a heaping help of kettle corn popcorn, I'm gonna fucking need it if I'm watching this shit,
   "Because you were outvoted." Walker said, happily.  He's sitting comfortably on a long settee looking thing, and honestly has the look of a kid at Christmas.
   "I must say, I was quite intrigued by this Penhead creature."
   I laugh. "Pinhead.  His name is Pinhead."
   "What a ridiculous name.  Why would someone name their child Pinhead."
   I swallow.  "Uhhhh trust me, you're going to see in about...oh...twenty minutes or so."
   "Soooo this is a magical box?" This comes from Terrenel, who had finally joined us, and i was surprisingly happy to see him.
   I nod.  It's a puzzle box, but honestly it's more cursed than anything.  And if you solve the box you call upon the Cenobites.  They're these truly horribly creatures that practice EXTREME and I mean extreme sadomasochism."
   Branuel cocks his head to one side and smiles slightly.  "I very much doubt that they have anything on my court, my love."
AND THAT WAS WHAT I WAS AFRAID I.  I was afraid I wouldn't survive his court.  That I wouldn't survive what he wanted to do to me.
   "You will be fine, my beloved.  Remember, I brought the King and I.  And what was it you said...a good women can bring a man low and change him for the better?"
   I swallow hard.  "That's just a movie, Chamuel.  This...this is real life."
   "The screen is very small," Branuel complains.
   I roll my eyes.  "I brought the largest one I could find! It has an 18" inch screen, that is pretty large for a portable player, so just shut up and enjoy and be happy I'm not kicking you all in the fucking balls for making me watch this train wreck of a movie."
"Oh baby girl, you know you love Hellraiser."
I swallow. I woudn't lie, the storyline was surprisingly interesting, it was the seriously blood and guts and gore that usually got to me. And I knew it wasn't real, but it still just really eeked me out.
"What bothers you most, amour? The blood flesh, and gore, which is actually very fake looking...or the fact that the pleasure and pain are intertwined and woven seamlessly into the story?"
"Jesus, why do you have to do that, Chamuel. Why do you have to know so damn much!"
"Please my beloved, your language."
"Yes, yes, I get it. I'm just really annoyed right now, and everything is fucking pissing me off, okay. I feel like there is this giant stone in my chest and I want to just rail against the fucking world."
"That is the spell, my amour, it is not you. You are going to be all right. Come, come and rest against me, and we will watch this horrific movie that terrifies you."
"It doesn't terrify me," I mutter. "I just don't like it."
"Well, let's see what you don't like about it."

   "I do believe I agree with you

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"I do believe I agree with you. That is quite an awful movie." Chamuel says, hugging me tightly against his body. I relish his warmth, despite the stone spreading within my chest.
"Right, right?" I shudder.
"I was sublime!" Branuel Or De A'lanuel says. "Are there more?" He asks the question to Walker who is also bright eyed and bushy tailed.
   "Yes," Walker says, jumping in his seat, "They made 10 films."
   "10?" Branuel says excitedly.  "Did you bring all 10?"
   Walker sighs.  "No, no, sadly I did not.  I thought my darling girl might object to a 10 movie marathon of the Hellraiser movies."
   "You'd have been right," I mutter under my breath.
   "But I did bring two and three." Walker says happily.  "I thought it we were going to watch the Star Wars Trilogy then we could at least watch the three of the Hellraiser films."
   "Yes, oh yes.  The Cenobites remind me of some of the Sluagh, with the exception of the pins in pinheads face. However, the movie has given me some ideas."
    And that is what I'd been afraid of. Great, just great. Because Branuel Or De A'lanuel soooo needed more ideas on how to torture people and creatures.
"Listen dudes, I AM NOT WATCHING ANOTHER PIINHEAD MOVIE!" I shout, from the warmth of Chamuel's arms. We watched Hellraiser, I'm glad you enjoyed it, Branuel Or De A'lanuel" NOT "...And now we're going to watch something less...well just less!"
"And what shall it be, my beloved."
I give Walker a look and say, "Pop in "A New Hope."

    "He is whiny," Branuel Or De A'lanuel mutters

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    "He is whiny," Branuel Or De A'lanuel mutters. "But the movie has much much promise. I think I enjoy these things called movies. They are quite entertaining. They don't get anything right. But they are entertaining nonetheless.
"I laugh" I was now snuggled up to Walker. "Whose whiny, Branuel Or De A'lanuel."
"You will call me Branuel, my midnight queen."
"Can I call you Bran."
"No," he says dryly.
I laugh. "Fine, be that way. Anyway Branuel who is whiny?" Although I sorta already had an idea.
"The Lukas Skyskimmer character."
Walker and I bust out laughing, even Chamuel chuckles. "His name is Luke Skywalker. And yeah, he may be a little whiny in A New Hope, but he's a kid."
"He is NOT a kid," Branuel interjects. "At his age I had slayed my three hundredth foe and taken over my sixth city."
"I choose to ignore that," I say tartly. "Anyway, Luke IS a kid. He's LEARNING. He was dumped with his uncle, he knows nothing but fixing up machines and droids and then all of a sudden Bam Wham Thank you Ma'm, he's thrust into this incredible situation where he finds out he's the possible Savior to the Entire Galaxy against the evil empire. And anyway, you have to cut him some slack, he REALLY grows into his own in the next few movies."
"Then we must see the next movies." Branuel says eagerly.
"I nod. Yes, definitely, These movies I have NO problem watching with with you guys. But...I'm sorry. I'm beat I'm going to bed." I ignore their heated looks, "I'm going to bed ALONE!" I extricate myself from Walker's embrace and begin to make my way out of the room. "I can find my way, I've got a good memory. If you guys want to stay up and bond, feel free." As I leave I case i look over my shoulder and I see Walker and Branuel sharing a look, the look. Oh yeah, they were so going to watch the rest of the Hellraiser movies. Well more power to them. Perhaps they'd bond over blood, gut and gore.
    I...I was going to bed. In my big, black crypt like bed. Goodnight crazy world.

  Goodnight crazy world

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Blood and Apples: An Annora Park Novel: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now