Chapter 15

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The next day came and John gets a call from the anonymous. One of its members is able to take him and y/n into his home. John was relieved.

"So who is this person can we really trust him?" Y/n asked. " I don't really know but it's alright, these guys have our best interest at heart. You don't have to worry, besides I'm here and i can protect you"

Y/n and John quickly pack their bags and wait for their ride. They both wore face coverings and sunglasses they bought at the convenience store. Soon an unassuming moving truck parks in an alley. "Thats our ride" John said. The driver was a sweet mexican man. Who carefully ushered them into the truck. "Why are we in a truck?" Y/n asks confused. "Well we don't want anyone to track us right?" John said. It was a weird experience for y/n but oddly to John he seemed used to it. The truck was dark and kind of musty and the road wasn't smooth either. Y/n wanted to check the news but is having a difficult time. She has a feeling that the FBI is on to her. The government labeled her a terrorist for being the mind behind the police department bombing and shoot out.

Y/n winced. Granted it wasn't the most elegant or rational thing to do but she didn't do it...her lover did. "You think it was a good idea that we sorta blew up the police station? I mean I'm not trying to blame you for all of this...its just-" y/n realizes what she said

"Yes this was my fault, i should be more careful and rational. But I just couldn't think. I was scared y/n, i might look tough but i was cowering in fear. I didn't want you to get hurt. You know I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything happened to you...." John said. John looks down. His arms on his knees. "I'm sorry y/n, I love you so much. I feel like I've ruined your life..."

Y/n's eyes were starting to water. She takes off her sunglasses and looks at John "No baby, what do you mean? I've experienced so much good things because of you. Because of you, I feel like i can strive, i fee like i have a purpose and i have this surge of energy to fight. You're my beacon. I thank the universe everyday that we met. All the terrible things that happened dont matter when im with you. I'd take it all if it comes in a package."

Y/n crawls infront of John. The sounds of the metal body clanging suddenly gets drowned out as they focus their eyes on one another. "I know you love me and you know i love you too, but this love came from our love for justice. I truly am touched for what you did for me. But this isn't the love we want. I want our love to be peace not chaos. I understand you pain and fear John. It okay, I love you."

Y/n lays on his chest and hugs him tightly. They fell asleep inside.

After a while the truck stops in the dessert. The back door busts open and the chill air woke y/n and John up. There was a man in a guy fawkes mask. "Hello there. I've been expecting you. Come along now" he chirped.

John and y/n stepped out of the truck glad to be able to smell fresh air again. The mask man pushed the remote and suddenly the sand clears and a platform appears. The masked man ushered them both on the platform and slowly they go down. It was actually an elevator.

Y/n was amazed. She knew she'd be safe here.

They finally arrived at the room. It looks like any ordinary room you'd find in a suburban house. The man in the guy fawkes mask reveals himself. "Hi, I'm Peter, member of legion. You must be our wanted criminal hahah...well Its okay you can take off your disguises now. Youre in my home." Peter said.

"Oh hi Peter yes im y/n and this is uhhh spec ops guy..."

Y/n whispers to John.."Should we tell hi-"

"This must be Mr. Johnathan" Peter chimed.

"Huh...yeah" y/n replied.

"Have a seat we will need to discuss some things" peter chirped

Peter served y/n and John mountain dew because it was the only thing he had that wasnt plainy caffine im a bottle.

"So we have been working hard trying to bypass the police department security. The fbi is really good and hiding things. You know that. " peter chuckles "We need you to fuel the outrage. Government fear the outrage of unhappy citizen. If there is no outrage there is no change. Keep rialing up the people and let it be known. The government is weak against its people. I'll need you to give out more testimonies and  fight for your justice. They think you're a terrorist for destroying that pig pen but if you can successfully uncover the abuse you went through, people will side with you. Those pigs need to die. They've killed more than they swore to protect."
Peter explained.

Y/n nods in agreement.

Meanwhile Charlotte and his goons are in works to make sure they get y/n arrested for "terrorism". And especially smear her name. The gave "Antelope" and new name..


(Hey there sorry for disappearing suddenly, I wasn't feeling the story and school was starting. Ill try to atleast give this closure also thanks for yall who were worried bout me 🥺❤️ im ok dw)

Masked vigilante (Spec ops guy x reader ) FLUFFWhere stories live. Discover now