Chapter 5

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*A really REALLy tiny bit if smut. (Idk if it really considered smut akakak)

Y/n wakes up sweaty and heart pounding. "What the HELL was that dream". She sits down and she tries to recollects her memory. She dreamt of being thrown on the bed and stripped by tank as he did the same. He takes of his helmet to show his defined face and armor to show is lean body. And what proceeded that should be no question. Y/n feels like a middle school boy going through puberty. She can't believe her mind is capable of thinking such things. She feels sinful and bad after that "encounter". But, she kinda enjoyed it. Of course who wouldn't, its not wrong right? She curled up in her bedsheets as the guilt slowly surrounds her.

Y/n's phone rang. She flips up and grabs her phone excitedly.

"Tank : I'll be in lafayette square at 10 today"

Alright Lafayette square we're today. Y/n gets takes a shower and gets dressed. She catches the bus like she always does. She tries to shake the dream of her head, thinking how awkward it will be to meet him later. After a few stops, she notices someone familiar come in. Its tank. Y/n scrambles to the entrance, trying to reach him. But people start to surround him and looking in awe. People pullled out their phones and directed their camera's at him snapping pics and videos.

"OMG IS THAT REALLY YOU?? I AM SUCH A BIG FAN" "HOLY SHIT I LITERALLY MADE A STAN ACCOUNT FOR YOU" "hey aren't you the guy who the girls are obsessed with?" " YOURE EVERYWHERE ON TWITTER!!" Tank looks visibly distressed, he didn't even notice y/n.

Y/n tries to call him but she knows it will just bring more attention to him, so she could only stay still. Tank tries to ignore the "stans", telling them to please stop videotaping him. After what felt like an eternity, the bus finally stops at lafayette square. Tank immediately hops off, and runs from the crowd. A bunch of crazy people followed him nevertheless .

Y/n hops off as well and tries to catch up, but eventually lost him, so did the "fans". Tank entered an alley way to hide. He stays there trying to catch his breath. "I should probably tell y/n i won't be arriving on time" he thought:

"Tank: hey y/n i might be a little bit late. Sorry"
Tank texted.

Y/n receives the notification. Of course she knows what's happening. Tank is definitely not late.

"Y/n: I was in the bus you were in just now, I saw a bunch of people chasing you...where are you? Do you need help?"

"Tank: Oh? You were? I didn't see in an alley way trying to avoid these crazy people, ill share live location."

Tank shares his live location and y/n follows it. Y/n finds Tank on the ground, gasping for air." They're fucking crazy" tank panted. "Sorry excuse my language"

"I never expected to go this viral, I'm just some guy in a suit protesting for my rights..jeez" he continued.
"Oh well, i think they're gone now...I think we better get going y/n". Y/n feels sorry and concerned for him. "Are you sure you want to go out?" Y/n asks concerned. "Of course, its just a bunch of kids don't worry." Tank replied.

They finally emerged from the alley way. There is a huge huge flock of people which helped tank and y/n blend in, although, tank was still kind of visible because his head would peak through. They marched together towards the main square to join the other protesters.

They started chatting with each other on the way. Y/n still feels awkward from her dream but eventually she starts talking about herself and opens up to Tank. She talks about her racist bigoted family and how much she despises their ideology. The very m reason she is living in alone is because her family kicked her out.

She is more than glad to leave them but now she is really broke while attending community college, majoring political science and working as a barista. She then shares her own ideology with tank, what she believes in and what she feels should be abolished. Tank agrees with what she says.

Tank was quite surprised at how similar they were, these past 4 days of being in each other's company, this is the first time he really got to know y/n. He was mesmerized by this smart, independent, pretty girl. Her intelligence made her so much more beautiful.

Y/n also told tank how inspired she was by what he said last night. His interview is eye opening and insightful. "I'm really grateful i get to meet such a kind and brave person in this protest, i never knew I'd be fighting with a friend." Tank's heart fluttered a bit from that sweet comment.

They arrived at the main square. One of the blm organizers made a speech about what they are fighting for and what they want changed in the system. A bunch of people started to pay attention to tank rather than the speech and took videos of him. Tank notices and winced. "Why cant they just focus at what this man is saying?" He thought.

His speech concluded. The party starts moving again. Everyone lifted their signs once again and began cry "BLACK LIVES MATTER".

Y/n notices that there is a fence dedicated to the victims of police brutality, spray painted art on buildings and roads being decorated to commemorate these souls. Its really heartbreaking and beautiful.

The group marched to the front of police. Shouting and singing. Everything was peaceful. When suddenly it seems like the cops noticed tank. The cops moved forward and tried to take tank away to possibly arrest him. He resisted and a fight broke out. The police fired rubber bullets at him to attempt to take him down for no apparent reason than him looking threatening. Y/n covers herself with her sign. "NOT AGAIN!" Y/n thought.

"My god this suit is making me more of a target than not wearing anything" tank thought as he ducked from the projectiles. The crowd is in disarray. People started to retaliate the attack by throwing rocks. It agitated the police even more and tear gas is deployed to control the crowd.

But this time, y/n didn't t wear her goggles since the experience yesterday, she thought she wouldn't need goggles. It was a grave mistake. She screams in pain as the mace pierced her lungs and eyes. She tries to run away from the gas when a bullet struck her thigh and she fell. Tank was had his gear on and was relatively unaffected by the gas. He in a panic, tries to find y/n in the smog. He could hear her cries. When he found her he picked her up and carried her away.

Her leg was blue and painful. Y/n is afraid it might be broken. Tank brings her to a man with milk that is helping maced people. Tank gives y/n a pain killers to soothe the pain before the medics arrived. She was banded up but she couldn't walk. Tank tells y/n to rest as he accompanies her right by her side.
Tank gives her water and bread that he stuffed in his back pack to calm y/n down.

Its clear that the police want to arrest tank and possibly y/n too if she is seen with him often.
He caress y/n's forehead, feeling a burden in his heart.


(Chapter 5 is finished uwu. Sorry for the late upload agian huhuhu i was kinda stuck. Also i just assume tank and riot is the same person for story telling purposes, but they maybe two people irl but idk. Hope ur enjoying the story so far!! Sorry its kinda boring, ill try to make it more interesting in the next chapter! ALSOOO TYSM FOR 3k reads agagag 💞💞💞)

Masked vigilante (Spec ops guy x reader ) FLUFFWhere stories live. Discover now