Chapter 2

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The next day came. It was another day of protesting. Y/n took her usual supplies and went to the streets. Today she is going to march in capitol hill. Y/n arrives and the first thing she sees is of course the tall man. Y/n smiles and greets him. "Good morning sir! Nice too meet you again". He nodded in agreement.

Yesterday y/n was scrolling through twitter and turns out that tall man gained quite a following. He has many nick names like spec ops, tank, master cheif and girls are loving him. Rightfully so, he is very attractive even with a mask on.

Y/n tries to have small talk with him. "I noticed that you have a Guy Fawkes mask badge, that's interesting, you're a part of anonymous?" Y/n asked. "Anyone can be anonymous, technically I AM anonymous( as in not identifiable)" he replied.
"Whats your name?" Y/n asked out of curiosity."I can't tell you sorry, you can call me by my other pseudonyms like uhmm...tank" he chirped.

Its pretty shocking how friendly he was despite his appearance. He was really polite too. "Tank huh, cute" she thought. The march starts and y/n stays close to tank.

It's the same old drill. Chanting and shouting. Thousands of voices in harmony, its beautiful. Their cries of pain were finally heard after years of silence and torment. Every second it, feels like we're getting closer to serving justice to our brothers and sisters. We will not let them die in vain. Say their names

The cops soon arrived with guns and tear gas at bay. They came to make sure the protest is "peaceful". Although, y/n doubts it, they're probably here to incite violence. And what do you know, the cops starts tear gassing everyone. Y/n is livid, she can't believe these disgusting pigs think they can violate the people's rights like that.

The crowd scatters, screams of agony filled the stinging air . Good thing y/n wore eye goggles but her nose was stinging badly because she only wore a cloth mask . Tank pulls out his gas mask and wears it.

The people were angry. Some threw water bottles at cops which prompted the cops start shooting rubber bullets. A cop pointed his gun on tank and y/n ran with her sign and blocked it. The sign was made out of really hard plywood so it absorbed the shock but cracked it.

The cop shoots another round of rubber bullets. Tank grabs y/n away from an incoming bullet. "WATCH OUT" he cried. As a result, another protester gets shot on his head by the bullet. Tank and y/n rushed to tend to him. He's bleeding from his head. Tank tries to stop the bleeding with his scarf. Y/n calls a bunch of medics to bring him to the medic tent.

The cops didn't stop, they started throwing tear gas canisters. Tank pulled his yellow glove from his back, picked up the canister and threw it back to the police. Although the air is piercing her lungs, she tries to help him. She'd catch a tear grenade and pass it to tank where he would "yeet" it back. She would also signal incoming bullets to protect him.

"KEEP IT GOING" he tells y/n. They work in unison to retaliate. The hot can burned her glove a little but y/n pulled through. Although soon, the stinging of the gas became unbearable to y/n's lungs, so y/n needed to retreat. "Dude I'm sorry but it hurts i think i gotta retreat". He signaled y/n to go but he is   still going strong. A rain of more bullets came. Tank dodged them all with ease and style."IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT PUSSIES!?!?" He roared. Y/n looked back, her heart was beating erratically, not sure if its because of the gas or tanks actions. The way he fights for justice is

Y/n goes out of the smog and asks for water. She gargles her mouth and pauses to catch her breath." I hope tank is doing ok" y/n thought. Y/n coughs and wheezes,  trying to get all of that mace out of her system. She takes of her goggles and douses her eye in cold water to cool em down.

Things were slowly getting out of hand. Some bad rioters burned cars to fuel the chaos. Some disgusting opportunists start breaking windows and looting. What has this come to? It started as a beautiful peaceful protest to this. Y/n tries to help those who were shot and maced. She borrows milk and poured them on people's faces. She tries to console them. She also help tend to those who are wounded, putting bandages on a boy who got his leg shot. He is writhing in pain, a woman held his head as y/n wraps it tightly.

Y/n is torn, she knew there will be violence but she never expected it to be like this. Her first ever protest. She was there to protest against police brutality only to witness it first hand.

But withouth her knowledge tank is seeing all this,

She went out and she sees tank again on the curb sitting. He is battered, dirty and trying to catch his breath. He was with a bunch of people and giving them free water. Tank looks up and sees y/n ."Hey you! Thanks for helping me out just now. I could've gotten k.o ed".

Y/n became red. Another chance to talk to this tall, benevolent vigilante. "Are you okay?"
Y/n asks shyly."Nothing out of the ordinary really, thats expected from these pigs".

Y/n never really paid attention to his voice. It sounds so soft and caring yet bold and intimidating. Y/n was lost in her own world. "Of course, i bet you do this often huh." Y/n chuckled.

"Yup..oh is this your first time?"


"You're really prepared for a first timer, good on you"

Y/n feels comforted by him. Even though the situation looks bleak, y/n feels safe around him.
"A-are you alright with me tagging along with you?" y/n muttered shyly. "I don't know anyone here and all of my friends don't support the movement so I'm all alone...i..i..understand this is kinda awkward im sorry-"

"No its okay, if you need company i can help you. I'll be protesting on all days so dont worry" Tank said. "Oh and of course if you don't mind may i know your name? Or would you prefer a pseudonym as well?"

"Oh well my name is y/n its okay i don't really need a pseudonym i trust you haha"

"Nice knowing you y/n"


This was definitely longer than the last one. And ofc it took longer askskks.. things r getting spicierrrr hohoho)

Masked vigilante (Spec ops guy x reader ) FLUFFOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant