
I giggled at his immatureness.

"What?" He grumbled as he stood up, finished with his skates. I laughed even harder when he almost fell over. He got his balance back from me standing up, completely balanced, and letting him hold onto me.

"Have you gone ice skating before, Shrimp?" He asked while looking towards the rink where everyone else was skating. Gray seemed to be a natural and was speeding around the rink and doing skilled things until Juvia told him to slow down and skate with her. Everyone else wasn't as good as Gray but wasn't as bad as Gajeel.

"Yeah, and I'm guessing you haven't?" I giggled at his frustrated expression.

"No.... but I can still do it," he defended himself and let go of me. He stumbled a bit but eventually made it to the edge of the rink. I stepped by him and stood on the icy ground and held my hand out for support so he could step on. He ignored my hand and just stepped on. I'm sure he regretted not taking my hand because he flailed his arms around and soon his feet flew up and his butt hit the ice.

I covered my mouth with my hands to not let the laugh out. Natsu skated by us laughing his ass off. "Metal Head can't skate!!!" He yelled to everyone in our group, along with the rest of the people here.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, FLAME BRAIN!!!" He yelled to the pinkette who was already on the other side of the rink with Lu-chan.

I poked him in the shoulder. "There are children here!" I got in to him while pointing to some little kids staring at Gajeel. He only grumbled. "Here I'll teach you," offered my hand for support once again. He answered with a grunt as he took my hand and pulled himself up.

I helped him move slowly across the frozen floor as he slowly got the basics on how to ice skate. He still put a lot of weight on me but he was making progress.

We didn't go too far from where we started when Lu-chan showed up beside me. "Haha looks like your having fun," she commented.

"Haha, very funny, Lu-chan," I replied sarcastically. She giggled.

"What's funny?" Gajeel asked confused. We both laughed at his confusion as he continued staring at us.

Lu-chan then nudged me in the side and whispered, "You gonna tell him?" I thought she was quiet enough so only I could hear but I was wrong.

"Tell who what?" Gajeel asked, now in complete control of his movement.

"Erm.... I'll tell you later," I paused for a moment before lookin. Back to Lucy. "You've done enough here!" I pushed her away in a playful manor.

"Fine, fine! I'm going!" She put her hands above her head as she skated towards Natsu who looked like he was about to fight Gray.



You could hear them yelling from anywhere in the building.

"Here, I think you can skate now. Just hold onto either me or the wall if you feel like your about to fall." I told Gajeel, letting go of his hand but continuing to skate beside him.

"Tch, I'm not a little kid, Shrimp," he grumbled as skated forward. He fumbled a little bit and nearly fell, but he didn't.

"See, I got this," he defended himself. He seemed to be skating just like the rest of us.... well not like Gray. I'm sure none of us could skate as good as Gray. Even if Natsu claimed he could.

"Good job, Gajy!" I cheered as if I was talking to a little kid.

"Tch, don't call that! Especially in front of the gang!" He growled but I could see a small hint of pink spreading across his cheeks.

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