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Today is the day we leave for our honeymoon, we were all set and packed. Just waiting for the car to arrive. I was dressed in a black Reebok sweater and a pair of blue jeans.

I was thrilled for our trip but then Xander changed his mind about us going to Madrid, which hurt me a lot

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I was thrilled for our trip but then Xander changed his mind about us going to Madrid, which hurt me a lot. Later on after making some calls he said we would be going to Athens(Greece) instead cause Greece is an amazing place to travel to.

"Iris, hasten up the car has arrived" said Isa

"I'm coming, just a minute" I responded.

So we said our goodbyes to everyone and left. Our flight was set to leave by 10:30 and right now it's 8:00.

Without wasting any time I took my headphones out of my handbag and put them on, I was in the mood for some Ariana Grande so I played "Positions".

And just like that it was already time to leave, we were flying first class.

◇2 hours later◇

We arrived in France 2 hours later, I felt like killing myself on the plane. Xander had his eyes glued to his laptop the whole flight, he didn't even speak to me. Right now all I wanted was for us to get to the hotel room as soon as possible so I can sleep peacefully.

"Babe our car has arrived" Xander said snapping me out of my thought's
I gave a little hmm and entered the car without waiting for him to say anything else. It took about 30 minutes for us to reach the hotel, we got out of the car and went to our room straight away. I was famished and fatigued, I felt like I was going to pass out if I didn't get some food to eat. Xander behaved as if I didn't exist he didn't say anything to me, he didn't even look at me at all. Now I feel as if I shouldn't have agreed to this honeymoon in the first place!.

Our suite was extremely beautiful, that's the only good thing that came out of this trip.
I changed into some comfortable clothes and decided to take a quick nap.


I woke up to the grumbling sound of my tummy and if I don't eat something right now I might actually pass out. Alexander wasn't even in the room, who leaves their wife on the first day of their honeymoon?!.

I felt a little lazy to get out of bed but I had to so I did and took a shower, I got out of the bathroom and saw lots of delicious dishes on the bed and Alexander was sitting right next to them.

"How are you feeling now Iris?"
I was starstruck, I didn't even know what to say.

"I'm okay I guess" I mumbled the words

"Great!, I'm guessing you're famished right now. Can we eat?"

"Yesss!!, I want to eat but let me put some clothes on first".

We finished eating the food in no time, turns out he is a charming husband after all. I can't believe I actually thought he didn't care!.

"Would you like to watch a movie babe?" He asked in his lazy voice. He looked tired and he's probably asking so I won't feel alone.
"No thank you! you look tired, get some sleep okay!."

{Gabrielle's POV}

"Gabrielle, what are we going to do now that they're faraway". Natalie said

"Don't worry about that, they might be faraway but I still have ways to execute my plan!. Alex will spend his honeymoon with his dear wife Iris but won't return home with her. I will most definitely make sure Iris dies wherever they are and then when Alex comes home I'll be the one to take her place in his life.
All I need now is to find out where they are!, and I know how."

"Bella darling have you heard anything from the couple?"

"Not yet Gabrielle, I'll call them right now!"

{Outgoing call to Iris}....

"Hey Bella!"

"Good evening Iris, how are you doing?. Have you guys arrived?"

"I'm doing great, I'm more than happy to be here. Yes, we are in France already!."

"Oh you're in France, that's good to hear. I just wanted to know if you guys were fine and if you've arrived."

"That's so sweet of you Bella, thank you so much.
How is everyone at home doing?"

"We're great!. We're already missing you guys, just enjoy your honeymoon okay!. Say hi to Alexander for me."

"Will do. Awwwwn, we miss you guys to. Take good care of yourself and everyone. Adios!."


"They're in France Gabrielle and they are okay!"

"That's great news. Thank you!"


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