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[TW: Burnt Skin, Gore]

Burning. Everything was burning. He wanted to scream, he wanted to cry out for help but he couldn't. His throat was on fire too. Indigo flames were everywhere on his upper body, strangling him. The scent of burning flesh rested heavily in the air. The pain was too much. It all hurt horribly, and he wondered, Was this it for him?

Was he going to die by the hands of his own quirk, only at the age of fifteen? There were so many things he hadn't done yet, so many things he'd never be able to experience, and it was all his fault.

He let out a small cry of pain, grasping the ground as he attempted to sit up. How pathetic. He was such an idiot! He was so stupid for using his quirk so recklessly. Of course this would happen.

Everything started to fade to black, and he felt the pain overtake his body until he heard someone. A voice, a soft, angelic voice. Was he dead?

His eyes fluttered open and right in front of him was a little girl, a few years younger than him. She had long flowing (h/c) hair, big round glasses that slid off onto her nose which stood in front of her sparkling (e/c) eyes.

"You're burning! Here, let me help you. I don't have the best control over my quirk, but I can still try." Rubbing her hands together, the girl brought them up. Water blasted from her palms, spraying onto him.

The burning sensation died down as the water doused out the flames. Finally, he could speak again. He could breath again. He could feel something other than utter pain.

"I'm going to get some bandages. Stay here, okay?" The girl said, turning away and sprinting off, her glasses bouncing loosely off of her face.

He watched as she ran away, sitting back, his body still in complete and utter pain. He didn't want her to leave. The group of teens he got into a fight with still could come back. And what could he do then? He was completely vulnerable and couldn't even move a muscle. Then again, he did burn their asses so he doubted they would be back anytime soon.

As seconds turned to minutes, he feared the girl would never come back. She'd probably just abandon him, like everyone else did.

"Sorry it took a while, I had to make up a lie to my Dad." The girl said, making his eyes snap open. She knelt down in front of him, holding up some bandages and scissors. So she did come back, after all. A feeling of warmth skipped around in his heart. But not one of pain, or burning, but, one

He flinched a bit while she started to wrap the bandages around his burnt arm. "I know this hurts, but try not to squirm around as much. It'll make me work faster. Hopefully, these will help, even for just a little while."

"Why are you helping me? Don't you think i'm just another freak?" He croaked, his voice still broken from the burns.

The girl smiled at him, tilting her head. "Now why would I think that? My father says not to judge a person based of their looks or their quirk, but based off their actions."

Eventually she finished up bandaging him, helping him to his feet.

Before she could say anything else to him, a voice called out to her. "(Y/n)! It's time for dinner!"

"I have to go. But I hope to meet you sometime soon!" She waved to him before racing off.

"I hope so too."

(A/N: Yes there's a reason why I referred to Dabi as "him" for the whole chapter. I'm going to let the reader decide Dabi's past. He could be Touya, or something else could've happened to him. I didn't really feel like forcing the theory though.

EDIT: Yes, I heard about the spoilers so you don't have to keep reminding me about the theories and stuff

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