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Meanwhile in guardian space which omar had raided
"Where is oneil,Ali owa and his team" Omar asked
"They are long gone"
"What do you mean long gone"
"The nemasuit their going to find it and stop you"
"Well I know that you put a tracker on that ship so tell me where it is"
"Well I guess my new friend will have to squeeze it out of you"
It all seemed like a dream when everyone saw the new friend of Omar "Salack why would you do such a thing to us"
He replied saying
"You wouldn't understand"
"Do you realize that if he stopped oneil that we will all die"
"What do I have to lose"
"I am sorry"
Meanwhile on paradox the team was facing a man with full body amour.   "What are you doing in paradoxian space"zoltar asked angrily
"We are going to the nemagalaxy to- he was cut off by zoltar
"What business do you have in the nemagalaxy" 
"It urgent"
"You must explain before you leave"
Salack stood up and said
"Zoltar Omar has escaped and now trying to end our multiverse"
"I am less concerned"
" Zolter do not act as if you have forgotten what Omar did to your planet"
"I know and it thought me a valuable lessons never to let my guard down"
"Then if you won't do it for me or our multiverse then do it for O Brien"

Zolter put a face there could tell a sad tale

"Very well I will send some of my men to accompany you"
Zolter paused and looked at O'Neils team and said
"Are they the ones who will where the nemasuit"
"But Omar is a deadly snake and will always be a snake but the only way to beat him is to out smart him"
"Thank you "
As the valiant men left zolter said within himself
"I know he will come very soon"
Meanwhile at guardian space salack had taken the lives of many but within him he had no choice but to do it if not he dies
"You have done quite a good job here maybe I may not have to kill your friends you might as well help me"
"Why would I not help you"
"That the spirit of a true killer"
Omar was alerted by a saintian cronicom
"The destination of the star cruiser was last spotted at sector 52201 in the planet know as paradox"
"Well then set a course for sector 52201 it time I see an old friend of O'Brien"


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