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"Neil"Ali owa cried out loudly
"Mister O'Neil where-"suddenly he realised that the team are gone
"Where are they " he walked across the hall to see if they where there till he saw hydra a member of the guardian
"Have you seen Neil and his team"
"They just left with a man in dark clothing" Ali owa had a frown in his face then left him in anger

Meanwhile on O'Neils ship
"So where are we going "
Bruce asked salack with a sigh of disbelief on everything he said
"We are headed to a place called the nemagalaxy"
"What is with all the names that all start with nema"
"The word nema is a form of energy that only stayes in it settled zone which in our case is the nemagalaxy so the whole Galaxy is filled with the energy"
"That reminds me of an alian energy energy that NASA found they called it takion energy"
As they all talked about their differences the ai announced
"Exiting guardian space"
"So we are going to take a more shorter way  we are passing through the universe 12 also known as paradox"
"Sounds like a nice place to spend the holiday"
"The planet paradox is a place well let say  always armed"
"Why" Bruce asked
"I have a clue is the person a 8 foot tall war Lord who is trying to enslave the multiverse"
"Correct" salack answers
"Before we reached paradox since you were a guardian how is the whole universe going to the collapse"
They all looked at salack waiting to hear what he was going to say
"It classified "
"Dude you are like the most responsible guardian I have ever met and you are like a fugitive"
"Due to our research the universe will end with a freeze, crush or hit but if anyone makes a machine that rapidly  expands matter and changes it to energy and it is powered by the orb it will collapse the universe
Bruce said to salack
"So this orb what does it do"
"It charges any machine to it highest level there are only two in the universe on a charges a machine to it  highest subatomic level and if you are not luckey it will explode"
Bruce stood up and said
"So this orb is like a particle acellerator but more advanced I bet I could make one"
"I would not try that if I were you trust me"
They were all alarted by Zack the ai
"You have a call from someone called hydra
"Answer it" Salack said 
"Neil, salack are you there we need help Omar has raided guardian space help"the call ended
"You have reached your destination"
Zack announced
"What are we to do"
"We have to go back" Megan said  
"No we have to get the nemasuit "
Just then they were visited by paradoxians  they raised in and said "land now" they touched down on paradoxians land it was a beautiful land with fierce people they all looked up and they saw a man with amor they then head a voice saying kneel before zoltar

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