"Colleen?" His eyes were wide with shock. Lydia was right behind him too. Colleen eyes flickered from Noelle's dad to Lydia and eventually to her very pregnant abdomen. She scoffed.

"Oh great, she's fucking pregnant."

Noelle's dad rolled his eyes and sighed, "Why are you here, Colleen?"

"Ya'know to visit my Firefly and pick up a couple of things."

"What things?" He asked confused.

"I left a couple of--"

"Empty your pockets or I'm calling the police, Colleen." Noelle's mother was taken aback by him cutting her off like that. 

"You think that bitch runs MY house? No, I'm taking what's mine." She huffed. "But you know what? Fine, I'll leave." Colleen said as she made her way to the front door. Noelle's dad grasped her arm.

"Empty your pockets, Colleen. Now."

"You think I'd steal from my own daughter?" Colleen asked innocently.

"You stole from me, didn't you?" Noelle's dad shot back. Colleen reluctantly emptied her pockets. Silverware, rings, necklaces, porcelain fell from her pockets. Lydia and Margo couldn't believe the amount of stuff she managed to take and hide in her pockets. "Get out of my house." Noelle's father said calmly. 

Colleen briefly looked over to Noelle, "Remember what I told you, you're my child." She said as Lydia pushed her out of the door. Everyone was pretty speechless. Lydia led the boys upstairs and Noelle's father followed slowly.

Margo looked at Noelle with a frown screwed on her face, "Were you just going to let her steal from us?" 

"I wasn't--"

"Yes the fuck you were!" Margo yelled desperately, "Jesus Noelle! I love you but you are one of the weakest girls I know! First you let that toxic, blonde-haired boy run a train on your emotions and now your own mother!" Margo ran a pale hand through her jet black hair. "You are one of the smartest girls I know but when it comes to shit like this, you don't know what's what. Stand up for your fucking self for Christ-sake." She sighed, "I'm not mad at the fact that she was stealing from us, I'm mad because you were going to let her." And with that, Margo marched upstairs leaving an emotionally exhausted Noelle downstairs alone.


Carson's team ended up winning the game like he promised. However, he wasn't in the mood to celebrate. Not only did he still have to talk with Daisy about her bun in the oven but, he had to reconcile with Noelle before she gets the wrong idea about him and Daisy. Driving home, he received a text from his parents saying they were waiting for him at home. He rolled his eyes and sighed.

He parked his truck in his front of his pristine house, careful to not park behind his dad--he remembered the last time he did that. He walked in to a brightly lit living room and kitchen. It's been months since he last turned on those lights. His mother was standing by the sink nursing a quickly forming black-eye. 

He touched her shoulder, she flinched and turned around quickly. She quickly pecked her son on forehead and smiled warmly at him. "We saw your game today, sweetie. You were great out there and your little romantic thing for your girlfriend was--"

"--Dumb." His father interjected. He approached them with a glass of brown liquor. It was rare he was seen without it. "You shouldn't be hanging around people like her, she's bad news." 

Carson sighed, he knew better than to argue with dad when he's had alcohol in his system. "Alright." He replied.

"I tellin' you, son, soon you'll be saying Black Lives Matter and looting with her. Drop her while you can. Whatever happened to Daisy, she was a sweet girl and a looker too." His father winked. Carson was tired of this and just tired in general.

"I'm gonna go upstairs." He said and slowly walked to his room. He opened his phone to text Noelle. 

Hey, u busy?

He saw that she opened his text but left him on read. Which was to be expected, but once he told her what was going on, she'd understand. Or at least he hoped.

He also noticed that he got a message on instagram from Daisy.

Can we meet up soon?

How do y'all feel about this chapter? I'm not sure if I like it so, telling me what you think please. Be honest but be nice :)

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~~With Love, Armani

Quarterback's Study Buddyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें