23. baby

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One week.

A whole week since we signed the contract and I have to say, little Bram is the absolute best. He was the cutest and he giggled at almost everything, big brown eyes wide and always up for games. It's one in the afternoon and it's Saturday. I had put Bram down for a nap a little over an hour ago and after this meeting with J, I was gonna wake him up and make him something to eat.

J barged into the study and placed his glock on the table, the matte black gun just lying there. He looked angry and he had a bandage wrapped around his arm.

"Did you get him?" I asked, leaning back into my chair. We had a thief amongst us, there was a break in at one of our casinos and a hundred thousand was stolen. I didn't want to actually find him myself when I was angry so J was assigned the task.

"I got him. He's in the dungeon."

"Good. I'll deal with it from here, you can rest now." I said, smiling at my friend and right hand man.

"I'm gonna go over and see Ryan, he's going to freak when he sees the bandage." J said, running his hands through his dark. Yeah, Ryan was definitely going to freak if anything J had told me about him was true. And trust me when I say, he has told me a lot.

I was about to speak when the door was pushed open and Bram walked in. He was in a baby blue onesie and he was yawning, looking every bit like the kitten he is. I don't look away as he scurried over to me and crawled into my lap.

He pressed a kiss to my cheek and snuggled closer. His hair was loose and was going every which way, nose pressing against my skin. He smelt sweet and was so warm and he fit right in my arms.

"Hey baby boy. Are you okay?"

"I'm hwungry." he said, his voice soft.

"What do you wanna eat?"

"Food." Bram said and I smiled. However, J snorted and shoot, I forgot he was there. I looked at my friend and raised my brow at him. He was smiling and looked like he was minutes away from cooing. I didn't even know J could make that face.

Looking away was all it took for Bram to immediately reach out and grab the gun, bringing it close to his face and staring at it with wide eyes. He looks at the gun and then at me, his lips parted. Bram  brought the gun closer to his face giggling.

"Bang, bang, bang." he giggled, waving the gun at J who looked just about ready to dunk to the ground.

"Little prince, you can't wave that around." I said, reaching for the gun.

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