11. wolf

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Lunch was amazing

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Lunch was amazing. The food tasted amazing and talking with Xander made me feel a lot better. At a point I had managed to block out Ryan and J flirting away across me. Was it bad I wanted Xander's hand on my thigh? I feel like the weight of it would ground me, make me stay rooted to the present and not let my mind stray.

Which to be honest, it does sometimes.

"Thank you for agreeing to lunch with me."

"It's alright. I wanted to make sure you didn't do something stupid, like hurt your knuckles or something." I said honestly, smiling up at him.

Xander took a deep breath and I wondered what exactly was up with him?

"What is wrong?"

"I didn't like hearing what I did. I swear I was going to end the call but I had this bad feeling and when I heard what he said." Xander cuts off, his jaw clenching and so were his hands which were on the table. He looked seconds away from throwing a punch.

I reached for his hand and held on. I didn't like hearing what I did but that was something I was used to. Moy had been making advances for months now and nothing could be done, not when he owned the company. I wondered how it must have sounded like to Xander.

"The fact I wasn't there to put him in his place, to beat him to the ground for disrespecting you and treating you like that." Xander said, looking over at me with green eyes that had gone dark with anger. "You shouldn't be treated that way. You deserve to be treated like the prince that you are." Xander said, his tone sincere and there was a glint in his eyes. He looked like he believed the words that were coming out of his mouth and it made my tummy flip, the butterflies going crazy.


"I had to take my anger out on something, that's why I went to the gym. The fact that you've been going through this, the fact that you reported this and nothing was done irritates the hell out of me. The fact I wasn't there to punch the daylights out of him frustrated me too." Xander said and I don't know what to say.

What could I say?

"I am going to take care of it though." Xander adds and I frowned.


"I can take care of it but I am going to need your consent." Xander said and I just keep staring at him.

"I say, you kill him and fling his body into a swarm or carnal or something dirty, just like he is." Ryan adds in, for the first time in a while, I looked away from Xander to Ryan and I just... what?

"No killing." I said, looking between the three men gathered around me.

"Anything besides killing?" Xander asked and I just can not believe we are having this conversation. But... I am tired of the advances and not being comfortable in my workplace, I am tired of not being hear or being seen as someone lowly just because of Moy. So yeah, whatever Xander wants to do, he has my blessing.

His Gorgeous Boy (BDSM) (DDLB) (ManxMan) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora