Notice Me (Part 2/7)

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No Warnings

George's POV:

Dear George,

I've got something to say
I just need some time
I'm going to tell you everything
And tell it in a rhyme

I just want you to know
You have something of mine
You don't know you've stole it
But i really don't mind

I have a secret to tell you
I have kept it for a while
I will tell you at the end
Cause first I'll make you smile

When I'm bored i think of you,

I think of your warm chocolate eyes
That are always filled with wonder
And seem to sparkle in the sun

When I'm tired i think of you,

I think of your silky chestnut hair
That tickles at your brows
And falls a little too long for your liking

When I'm sad i think of you,

I think of your sweet genuine smile
That crinkles at your eyes
And forms a dimple on your right cheek

When I'm angry i think of you,

I think of your small dainty hands
That would fit in mine so well
And would cradle my face as i lean into your touch

When I'm scared i think of you,

I think of your smooth cherry lips
That would press against mine
And feel perfectly right as i kiss you over and over

When I'm happy i think of you,

You make me happy

There is something you took
You stole my heart
And mine and yours together
Would be a work of art

Now you know my secret
I am undeniably and irrevocably
In love with you

From Clay.

My heart is pounding so hard in my chest, it feels as though it will break through. I can hear it thumping in my head. It's arms are wrapping around my rib cage and squeezing my lungs.

My breaths are shallow and sudden. My body is aching for oxygen at this point.

My lips are quivering, as warm, salty tears stream down my cheeks and glide onto the glittery, pink card. Each droplet swirling about before soaking through the paper, smudging the ink a little.

Oh shit.

I shook myself out of my initial shock, and immediately wiped away any falling tears with the sleeve of my hoodie. I didn't want to streak the words anymore than i already had.

The words.

The words are full of passion and love. I can still feel my heart warping and convulsing at each haiku i read.

"That was beautiful," i spoke aloud to myself.

I can't believe he's loved me all this time.

Ever since my parents moved me and my siblings to America, we've had a hard time fitting in. Me especially. My sister made a friend on her second week of middle school (we moved in the summer, just before the next semester started). They're practically joined at the hip now, giggling and chatting away like normal friends should. My brother already had two roommates when he moved into his college dorm, so it was pretty easy for them to get along. He's also a very outgoing person and extremely likeable, so it's understandable why they immediately clicked. However, I'm alone.

It's not like I'm hated and bullied or anything, it's just that I'm not liked or talked to either.

Well, I didn't think i was liked.

"If I can't be liked by other students at my school, i should just focus on my grades. Maybe my parents will pay attention to me." I would always tell myself, hence why i study everyday for at least 2 hours after school. I even stay on Friday evenings, as the school closes a lot later due to the many extra-curricular activities. But, my parents don't seem to notice. Getting my grades up only seemed to have the complete opposite effect.

Of course my parents care about me, they're not neglectful or anything. They ask me how my day was, and make a delicious Sunday roast for us all, but they're nearly always busy. They work so hard. I guess I must've inherited that trait. They pay more attention to my sister as her grades were below expected. They give her encouragement; buy her treats when she does well, and praise her for doing her homework. But i get... nothing. No treats. No praise. No recognition.

My brother knows how little our parents seem to spend time with me, so he calls me every now and then. Even drives over from his campus, to spend the weekend with me; going shopping, eating out, all sorts. I really do appreciate him.

But even though i am the school nerd and put most of my time into my education, i am just a normal teenager, with normal teenage desires. Since my first day, I've had my eye on one of the co-captains of the school's basketball team. How could i not?

He's attractive. So very attractive. He has these piercing green eyes, which just capture your attention even with a mere glimpse of them. He has light freckles, that litter his cheeks. He has slightly curled, dirty-blond locks that stick to his face from the sweat after one of his basketball games. He has these animal-like muscles, that sculpt his entire body; my mouth waters as he lifts the hem of his shirt to wipe away his dripping sweat from his forehead, leaving his abs on display for everyone to see. I eventually found out his name is Clay, even that's sexy. He's just one hunk of a man.

But, that's not just why i like him.

You'd think, "All jocks are just attractive and good at sports, he can't have any brains at all."


I know he plays dumb. I don't know why, but i know he does. He's incredibly intelligent. I've seen him scribble the answer down to a much complicated question, before the professor has even had time to explain properly. He'd then lean back in his chair, and talk to his friends behind him, while they copy the answers from his book.

He's extremely kind and noble. The way he picks up others when someone puts them down is admirable. No wonder he's a co-captain.

I could go on forever with reasons as to why i like him.

But i never thought he'd like me back.

Obviously i know he is gay, so it was always a possibility that he could like me.

And I've definitely not missed the constant stares from him and the way he "sneakily" follows me around.

But i just never thought he liked me like that.

I scanned over the sparkly love letter one final time before placing it face-down on my desk, sighing in content.

He likes me.

I grinned and started dancing giddily around my room, biting my lip as i imagined myself grasping his hand and snuggling into his toned chest.

He likes me.

WC: 1159

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