Chapter 41 - When I Look Across the Room

Start from the beginning

"She is so bossy," he chuckled, tucking Camila in against him as they sipped their tea and looked out at the ocean. "One day soon he is going to tell her what to do with her orders."

"Never, he will always do anything for her. I know if anything happened to us they would always look after each other."

"So," he said. "They're three. Are we still following the LRP?"

"The what?" she frowned at him.

"The Long Range Plan," he said, putting his mug down. "We were going to start trying again when they turned three. Do you still want that?"

She looked surprised. He knew right now was not the time, she was due to work on the movie, she didn't want to be pregnant for that. She reacted exactly how he expected.

"Maybe after the movie wraps?"

"It's up to you honey," he said, kissing her nose.

"And you, we make these decisions together, remember?"

"I'm not the one whose career could be interrupted and who will probably have to have another c-section."

"The good thing is, we could choose the date and work around it."

"I'm happy to wait until you want to try."

"Well, there is something we have to do first," she said with a serious expression.

"What's that?" he couldn't think what it would be.

She put her mug down and stood up, holding out her hand. "Practice, I think we need lots of practice." He smiled and stood up. He was JJ to her Lily, he'd do anything for her, protect her from anything, and she knew it. He took her hand, knowing that he would follow her anywhere.


With birthdays over, Shawn performed at Coachella in April and Rosie looked after the kids while Camila had a rare weekend away, attending with her friends, as a little last hurrah before she flew to Florida to start filming her movie. She had always wanted to go, and it was as much fun as she always imagined. She met up with Shawn in one of the VIP tents where he was laughing with a couple of other artists. She didn't interrupt, she just went to the bar and ordered a drink. She turned around and found him standing right there, wearing jeans and a black shirt unbuttoned to show his chest and the opal necklace she had bought him for his birthday last year, looking every inch the rock star.

"Hey," he said in a low and sexy voice. "I was going to offer to buy you a drink but I can see you have one."

"I do," she said, holding it up.

"So, are you here alone?"

"Yes," she said.

He leaned against the refrigeration unit beside the bar, blocking her from the rest of the tent.

"So what's your name, beautiful?"

Ugh, she loved playing silly games with him. He made her insides turn to mush.

"Karla," she said with mock-shyness, looking up at him through her lashes as she stirred her drink with the straw. His pupils darkened. "Are you performing?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Are you in a band?"


"What instrument do you play?"


"Oh, wow, I love guitarists!" she gushed. "Guitarists are HOT!"

He smothered a grin.

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