And Proof is Found in Tree Stumps

Start from the beginning

"More special than a person and a regular pet?" Eddie asked, actually just genuinely asking.

"I think so." Richie nodded. He wished he could explain it. But like most things in their life, that wasn't so simple. He had grown accustomed to feelings too powerful for him to understand--his own abilities, his deep connection with the Losers, his feelings for Eddie, and his bond with Freddie. These were all things that he could never find the words to fit. "I can't really tell you, it's just a feeling. A really strong one, though."

Eddie looked over Richie for a moment, almost painfully softly. "I think I might have an idea what that's like."

Richie's heart stumbled a bit. He cleared his throat, not realizing it had gone dry, and laughed somewhat awkwardly--that had caught him off guard to say the least. "All I'm saying is that maybe one day, you should give Pest a chance."

Eddie groaned. "We'll see. Don't count on it."

"I will," Richie hummed, kissing him.

"No," Stan shouted at them from where he was picking weeds. "I don't want to see that."

Richie sighed dramatically. "I can't do anything around here."

"Yeah, clearly," Eddie laughed, lightly smacking his arm. "Get up already."

Richie grinned, watching Eddie get up and look back at him expectantly. Richie sat up--with that look Eddie was giving him, it's not like he could say no even if he wanted to. But he didn't want to.

Richie thought maybe they'd get a full lazy day.

Well, lazy day for Richie. Everyone else seemed determined to do chores. Richie helped out a little bit here and there, but ultimately, he just wanted to follow Eddie around and bother him. Eddie never seemed to stop him or genuinely tell him to go away though, so Richie couldn't imagine it bothered him that much.

Finally, Richie got Eddie to settle down with him at the kitchen table. He had poured Eddie and him a glass and slid it over.

Eddie glanced at it, a half smile finding his face. "Is this chocolate milk?"

"Maybe it is," Richie said smugly, taking a sip.

Eddie looked around as if he was doing something bad before sipping on it as well. "You think Bill's gonna freak out?"

"I don't know, probably," Richie said dismissively. "But more importantly, what are we going to do now that you're finally done cleaning every tiny inch of this godforsaken house?"

"I did not clean every inch," Eddie snapped, the defiance on his face almost laughable. "I should though..."

"No, no!" Richie laughed. "Stay with me, Spaghetti, I just got you back."

Eddie laughed, kicking him lightly under the table. Richie smirked. "So, back to my original question. I personally was thinking--" he stopped short when he saw Eddie's eyes widen a bit. He huffed; he knew that look. "Please don't tell me what I think you're going to tell me."

"One of Them is here," Eddie said sympathetically.

Bill came falling through the doorway of the kitchen as if the house was burning down or something. "G-G-Guys!" he shouted, stopping dead in his tracks when he saw them. He straightened out, a nasty look finding his face. "Is that my chocolate milk?"

Richie put his hand over the top of his glass to cover it--even though it was transparent. "No."

Mike came in behind Bill, grabbing his shoulders. "Relax, there's plenty. Plus, we don't have time for this." he glanced at Eddie. "Is it close?"

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