And Proof is Found in Tree Stumps

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Richie sighed peacefully; he was totally relaxed.

He had the pleasantly warm sun hitting his face, the soft grass underneath him. The sound of the Losers casually chatting amongst themselves and Freddie rolling happily in the grass nearby was the only sound. Totally relaxing.

He sort of wished everyday could be like this, except he definitely didn't go outside enough to lay in the grass every day. If he went outside every day, he wouldn't be able to enjoy it as much as he was now--it was a special treat. That was the reasoning he choice as his excuse and he'd stick to it.

Munchkin came waddling over, peering at Richie before trying to swipe his glasses. Richie easily held them out of the little monster's reach. "Not today, my little thieving friend."

Bev came over with a huff, scooping up her child. She looked over him, a grin finding her face. "You know, if you actually got up off your lazy ass and helped do some yard work like the rest of us, Munchkin wouldn't have a chance to try and steal your glasses, right?"

"I do know that actually." Richie confirmed, earning himself a laugh before she walked away, shaking her head.

Freddie finally finished rolling in the grass like his life depended on it, and plopped down beside Richie. He stared at him, absolutely beaming. Richie couldn't help the warm laugh that bubbled up out of him--he grabbed Freddie's face and squished it. "You have such a stupid face!" he said enthusiastically.

Freddie clearly didn't understand what he was saying, but he understood the tone, making him wiggle with excitement.

As they were rolling around, Pest had apparently wandered over--because before Richie knew it, Pest was just sitting there and watching them with delight. The poor little thing; so desperate for attention and love, and it managed to attach itself to the one person stubborn enough to deny it of that.

"Go ahead, cuddle with your dog," Richie said, motioning to Freddie.

Pest gladly took the invitation, walking over and curling up on top of Freddie as it often did. Freddie was so used to it by now that he was even sure to lay still, so the little cat could fall asleep and stay asleep undisturbed.

"I can't believe you let it do that."

Richie smiled widely just from the sound of his cranky little voice. Eddie stood there, eagerly yanking off the dirty gloves he'd been doing yard work in. "Honestly, you're teaching it bad habits. We're trying to get it to go away, remember?"

"Eds, I'm pretty sure you're the only one trying to get it to go away," Richie said with a grin, patting the ground beside him.

Eddie rolled his eyes but he sure didn't waste any time in settling down beside him.

"Well you should all be trying to get it to go away, it's a--"

"Pest, we know." Richie interrupted, grinning. "I just think you shouldn't push this so hard, is all. That little pest is obsessed with you and hasn't done any wrong by you, has it?"

Eddie crossed his arms stubbornly. "It hangs out in the garden."

"Yes, but has it even harmed the garden?"

Eddie did not look pleased. "If you're going to defend the cat, I'm leaving--"

"No, no!" Richie laughed, securing his arms around Eddie's waist before he could push himself up. "You don't have to adopt a monster just because the rest of us did, I'm kidding." he softened a bit. "Though, I won't lie to you, the bond is really special." he looked over his shoulder at Freddie, sleeping softly. He kept opening one eye to make sure Pest was still sleeping comfortably, and to keep an eye on Richie.

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