Ch. 6: Don't be A Salty Bitch

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I blinked. It was my turn to lie. I was a horrible granddaughter.

I was taken by surprise at her question, but I recovered. "No he hasn't," I lied.

I avoided looking directly at her. I quickly unbuckled my seat belt and got out the car slamming the door on her shocked face.

I wasn't ever rude to her, but how could I maintain the lie around her?

Yes, my dad sent me a letter expressing his excitement to coming home.  No, my grandmother didn't know about the letter. I only hid it because my dad wanted it to be a surprise.  Or so he had mentioned in his letter.  He had specifically told me "let's keep this between us for now."

Why did he want to keep it a secret? I don't know, but I was excited about his return so I had agreed by keeping my mouth shut.

And now it was a couple of weeks until his return home. I just had to hold on a little longer.  I turned and waved to my grandmother to take the sting out my actions.  She just smiled sadly and drove off.

What wrong with her?

I tried to shrug it off as I headed into school.


Once again, I was in English class trying to avoid speaking to Mr. Drake as much as possible.  Today would be the last day for any poetry.  We had finally gotten through nearly all types of poetry. 

Before I got into class, I saw Lisa and Kingsley in the hallway. King's face had returned to normal. It had actually taken him a couple of days to heal believe it or not. 

A normal werewolf could heal almost instantly if the damage wasn't too extensive. But the hit Kingsley took from del Russo was not like anything I'd ever seen.

How was that so? I wondered about that a lot, but could come up with nothing except wild theories like del Russo's an alien werewolf. Or maybe a mixed breed-- like a Lycan and shifter?

Then I'd just wind up dismissing those thoughts as illogical. I sighed.

Anyway, we just chalked it up to a lucky punch. We even made a joke out of Kingsley coming to the door without a shirt handy. Or at least I was the main one teasing him.

"I bet you'll think twice about putting on a shirt when opening the door for Sharkiesha!"

We all laughed and pointed at Kingsley.  He was embarrassed to say the least. But at least he didn't let it keep him down.  Besides, we had to remember that del Russo was soon-to-be Alpha and his hits would pack a punch.

I was now sitting at my desk on my phone reading some books on Wattpad. Rachel took that moment to take my picture. I was fussing at her to delete it when Mr. Drake called my name a couple of times.  Not again!  I thought. 

Oh well, today would be the last poem I had to read in front of the class.

If I was being honest with myself, this poem was about del Russo. How ironic, my first poem wasn't about him yet he shows up to class. Now, I had actually written a poem about him and he didn't show up.

I shook my head. Silly rabbit, tricks are for kids!

I sighed and stood up to go in front of the class for the last time. At least I didn't trip this time, I thought with a smirk. Then I bumped into somebody's desk. Spoke too soon. 

Me, My Hair✂ and My Mate (#Wattys2015)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz