Day thirty-nine

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"You know, the team's really struggling without you two."

Jemma and Skye were sitting on Jemma's bunk, leaning against the back wall. They'd left Fitz to have a nap, giving him a little space.

"You are?" Jemma asked, frowning.

"Yeah. When you left, so did the happiness. It's just so serious now - waking up at the crack of dawn to practice hate-fu, then straight down to business. I used to think the movie marathons were kinda stupid, but I miss them now. May won't watch Disney movies because she hates the singing, and Coulson's way too busy," Skye sighed sadly. "It's all work, no fun. Having Trip around helps, though."

"How is everyone?" Jemma said, picking at her fingernails.

"Trip's fine, Coulson's overworked, and God knows about May because she never tells anyone," Skye said. "Ward's escaped and we're on his tail. And we have three new people: Bobbi, who's currently undercover inside Hydra, Hunter, who's a total idiot, and Mack, who's taken over the engineering stuff." Skye looked over at her friend, who had suddenly stiffened. "Oh, that wasn't very tactful, was it? Fitz hasn't been replaced. Not at all."

Skye put an arm around Jemma and the scientist relaxed. "How long are you staying? Can you visit sometimes when we're at our new home?"

"I'm helping you move in, and of course I'll visit! I can't live without my two favourite nerds, I'll go nuts. You guys were the first real friends I ever had," Skye exclaimed. Genuinely touched, Jemma hugged her tightly.


The atmosphere brightened with Skye around, and Fitz started to open up to her in the way that he'd first started to interact with Jemma. Skye wasted no time in telling Fitz what a brave man he was and how he was Jemma's hero, and Jemma squeezed his hand and told him that every word was true.

Author's note

This was short, wan't it?

I've started an 8tracks account called Isabella Maeve and I've already published a Fitzsimmons playlist called We're still here, so could you maybe check it out? Also, if you have an account comment your username and I'll follow you:)


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