Day thirty

804 52 10

It was like watching a child take their first steps.

He clung to the frame of the bed with shaking hands, his mouth set in a hard line of determination. Simmons was standing beside him, her hand on his shoulder, as he mustered all the strength his frail body held and moved his foot, up, up, and then down again.

"You did it," she said softly, and the broad grin that spread across his face sent butterflies spiralling in the pit of her stomach.

"I did it."


He'd responded to physio with a much better attitiude than the fiasco with the speech therapist (who had since been sacked and replaced with a very willing Simmons).

She watched him walk, his steps more of a shuffle, with a smile playing on her lips. Just seeing him so joyful, finally able to do something he had been deprived of for so long, was enough to be truly happy for the first time.


Fitz collapsed back into bed, slightly out of breath, and she sat down next to him.

"You did really well, I'm proud of you," she said, her hand on his knee.

"Thanks. I couldn't do it without you, you know," he responded, lying his head back on the pillow and closing his eyes.

"We've always worked better together," and she saw the corners of his lips rise.

I can hear my heart go

racing out of control

it's so crazy

boy you really got me

I'm sorry, I'll stop now. This song was on repeat while I wrote this and now it's stuck in my head.

Who watched the AoS gag reel? I died laughing. And did you vote for Bretty in the teen choice awards? If you didn't, go and do it now.

Oh and by the way, thanks for the 2.2K reads. I nearly fell out of bed when I saw it.

isabella_maeve :)

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