Day twenty-five

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Dedicated to badgirlshenanigans92 for the amazing banner on the day two:)

"How are you feeling?" Simmons asked, playing with the soft toy monkey.

"Fine," Fitz said. "But bored. Really bored."

"That's why I brought the tenth season of Doctor Who."

Fitz brightened immediately. "You did? Put it on!"

Simmons moved the portable DVD player so that it was sitting on the table that spanned across Fitz's lap. She inserted the DVD, drumming her fingers on the table as she waited for it to load. He was grinning like the Cheshire Cat, and it made her happy to see him so bright and enthusiastic again.

When it loaded and she pressed play, she pulled over the chair that she normally sat on, but Fitz stopped her. "No, sit here."

He shuffled over sideways to make room on the bed and patted the space on the blanket beside him. Simmons bit her lip, then pushed the chair away again and curled up next to him, feeling the warmth of his body through the thin flannel sheet. He raised his arm with difficulty and she would have stopped him from over exerting himself, but then swallowed her protests as he draped it around her shoulders and instead rested her head on his chest.


She could hardly focus on Doctor Who.

Instead she was captivated by his beautiful face, taking in the show with wide-eyed curiosity. She felt every rise and fall of his chest against her skin, felt his breath skim the top of her head, felt his familiar warmth and joy.

Here he was, this beautiful young man, forced to live his life again because a traitor had ripped his past and memories away.

It wasn't fair.

But Simmons was grateful that Fitz had taken it all in with an open mind and never ceased to make her smile in every single waking moment that they spent together.

Even if their situation wasn't lucky, they were still lucky to have each other.


"Jemma?" Came his voice from above her head.


"What am I to you?" He asked sincerely. "Because I'm not quite sure."

Simmons smiled, although he couldn't see her. "You're my everything, and I love you."

"Did I love you before I sacrificed myself?"

"Yes, you did."

"I'll just have to fall in love with you all over again."

Story recommendation

Fitzsimmons: An extended life by kjsd562

Venture onward into the life of Fitz and Simmons and their children Zeke, Avery, Leo and Lia.

Warning: Extremely adorable.

If you want me to recommend your story or someone elses, just PM me the title and description and I will add it to one of my chapters. I will also read it and give you votes and feedback as well.


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