Day twelve

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Mrs Fitz threw her arms around Jemma's shoulders.

"You've been so brave. Thank you."

"No, no, it's no problem. You've been a really big help to me, you know, getting me through this." Jemma smiled and hugged her back before leading the woman into the observation room.

"He's through here. Are you ready to see him?"

Mrs Fitz put on a brave smile and pushed open the door. "As ready as I'll ever be."


"Did you - did you see that?"

His finger twitched.

"Oh, Jemma!"

They were crying into each other's shoulders, a mixture of relief and joy and hope suddenly filling the room.

He was moving. It was just the twitch of a finger, but to them it meant the world.


She wasn't drowning anymore.

He had held out his hand and she had gripped to him tightly and together they had got her out of the water.

There was no longer a hurricane inside her head.

She could breathe.


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