Chapter 1

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"Maybe one day" you said with a low voice while looking at your co worker. You didn't mind relationship talk but to be honest your track record with love wasn't great at all.

"Oh come on Y/N, why you being so down? I'm sure a man will come by & sweep your off your feet" Prentiss was always so optimistic about this kind of stuff, while you guys had a lot of banter, sometimes a little flirty, she always made sure to end things positively.

"You know Em, I just don't think any man or woman is going to come by, this job doesn't allow it"

Prentiss met your eyes and nodded with a sigh. She was about to reply when a chirpy voice entered the bullpen. It was currently 7:45am & you were both early this morning, something that was due to your boss reminding you guys last night that you all had way too much paperwork to complete.

"Morning guys! Sleep well? Coffee?" Garcia walks over, her bright pink wedges click clack on the floor while she places the coffee trays onto the middle desk.

"Thanks my girl & meh you know those nights sleep just aren't long enough at times" this was true though, you only really got 4-5 hours of sleep & while your body was now used to it sometimes you just missed being able to sleep in.

"I hear you, you know you should try some fruit in the morning to give you energy! That helps me"

"You sure that isn't the extra 2 shots of caffeine Garcia?" Emily chuckles along side you, it was true. You used to think your coffee addiction was bad until you met this girl.

"'Now that's just mean" Garcia pushes her shoulder with Prentiss & waves before heading to her IT room. Maybe you could nap there? You felt like you needed it this morning.

By 8:30am the rest of the team walk in, they all enter the bullpen & say hi before either sitting down or going into their own offices (this included Rossi & Hotch) your head barely looked up for long, the buzz of the coffee was keeping you going & you knew you had way too much paperwork to falter your speed for even 5 minutes.

"Morning guys! Y/N you never replied to my text? Everything okay?" You turn your head to see your co worker Spencer Reid walking towards his desk which was close to yours. You guys were probably the closest apart from you & Prentiss, mostly due to the fact you were both closer in age & you shared many interests. He had his satchel close to his body & was looking at you with a furrowed brow.

"Sorry sweet, I fall asleep & this morning thought well I'd be seeing you this morning you know?"

"Hmm I forgive you"

"Plus you know deep topics should be kept for the day, that's my second nightmare this week about people hiding in my house!"

"You know dreams are meant to symbolise exactly what you're thinking or scared of right? You may have had that dream regardless of if I have had sent that or not... so it's not my fault really"

"Reid that brain of yours, I'd love to have it just for a day" Morgan had walked over, hand in pocket while sipping his coffee. He plonked himself down on the seat next to yours watching you complete your work. You could tell he wanted to ask you about your date you had had during the weekend. Shambles to say the least.

"Spit it out Morgan, you're so transparent" you stopped typing on the computer & turned to look at him in the eye. That glint told you everything he wanted to know.

"So what was he like? Did he rock your socks off per sé?" You know you'd never be able to just let it go especially when Emily & JJ piped up.

"Spill!" JJ shouted across from her desk while still writing up her notes

Maybe one day? - Spencer Reid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now