R7: Apparently Worried

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R7: Apparently Worried

The door swung opened. A fox emerged outside from his own home. Paranoid and worried he was while looking around his surroundings for something dear to him. His own children whom had gone missing for a while. Three days plus at most it seems. Descending upon the short small stairs before him, he landed onto the leveled ground beneath his feet. He grounded himself and raised his paws up onto the top of his narrowed eyes searching for them through panic and weary. But could not find them at all and thoughts entered into his mind. Lowering his paws to his sides, the fox frowned and turned his attention to the northern west from where he had lived. To a narrowed passageway that was ahead of him; in between two tall buildings that reached to the skies above. Their windows were closed and shut tightly as curtains filled their views obstructing anyone from peering through. The single doors were locked also as perhaps the keys that led to them were safely hidden within preventing anyone from entering in. Could he lie and asked them to allow him in so that he would find his children among them? He shook his head and sighed; drawing a breath from his nose sharply like a knife before heading forth to the narrowed passage.

He was a brown coated fox. A unique one that many inhabitants had not seen for many years. For perhaps most of them were getting used to the other colored foxes and animals that dwelled among them that it was common to see different types of colors. His name is Lydriox. He is a single father of three having deposed of his mate and wife long before moving here. How? Who knows. As he only cares of his children than his own spouse anyway. Lydriox lives in isolation and away from the other inhabitants of the city that they all lived in. For all he had wanted was to raise his children into what he had wanted them to be. Now, he was going to get it. He raced along towards the narrowed passageway ahead and stopped afterwards. His eyes narrowed and looked deeply inside. All he sees were silver trashcans and other dirty stuff upon the floor. Lydriox does not care about the trash and shrugged after looking inside; turned around and looked into another direction. Spotting another passageway ahead of him; parallel to his own house on his right, Lydriox started walking in that direction; speed walking himself ahead as he hopes to get to them soon enough. He enters.

The path was wide; there were vehicles over to his right and left sides. Houses were half the size of his own. Then again, he does not know how high his own house was compared to others. As he slowed down himself, his eyes and ears shifted nervously to one side then to the other as if noticing quietly about the darkness and silence that fell upon his ears. For the only thing he heard was the sounds of his own footsteps; steady moving like a drum beat. He continued on until he noticed that the path breaks in two different ways. Lydriox stopped here afterwards before peering his eyes from one path to the other. The first path was ahead of him; continuing on the path to the horizon. The other was heading right and branching off from the current path he was on. His eyes shifted to the right and stared onto the new founded surroundings that await for him there. As he had hoped perhaps his children were founded on the new path, Lydriox shakes his head and faintly smiled upon himself for he knew that they had known better than to wander into an unknown territory. But that smile faded as another thought entered into his mind. 'Were they captured in some way?'

Something kicked within his body and he unknowingly jerked forward as he shut his lips making a sound before looking behind him wondering what had contacted against him. But nothing was there. Not even another animal or like himself lurked there. By himself, Lydriox stared off behind him then shook his head noting nothing before he turned his head around and looked ahead then looked to his right. Both paths sport the same amount of small leveled houses and homes. But in the darkness; it was impossible to tell which house was which as they were all covered underneath the same black paint. He frowned realizing this before shaking his head and turned back to the path ahead of him. Deciding where to start his search at, he moved ahead and bypassed the path that leads him into a new neighborhood entering into the path ahead.

The R7: Spiritual ChaosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora