R7: Bleaked Ice

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R7: Bleaked Ice

Silence fell over himself as Zunyi was jolted awake. His eyes popped opened upon hearing the silence and he yawned to himself. Getting up onto his feet, his arms stretched out to his sides and opened his mouth for the second time as another yawn escaped from his throat. Fully awake, he started his walk towards the entrance of his hiding spot and looked out into the surroundings. The forest was empty; no one was about. With the quietness that fell, Zunyi was skeptical and frowned. Pondering if this was another trap by his enemies to draw himself out and kill him. He shook his head, closing his eyes before shifting them over towards the viewing behind him where he spotted that most of the trees were gone. A new clearing emerged in the spot where a large group of trees were. Zunyi frowned afterwards but paid no attention towards it as his eyes went over to his front once again. Remembering that the forest would just regenerate itself, sometimes he wondered if it was able to spit out enemies besides himself and his fellow tribe mate.

Though shaking his head a second time, disregarding the thought upon his mind, he stepped out from his hiding spot. Exposing himself to the public as he walked another stepped and stopped before looking about. He was about a yard away from the cavern behind him and he listened to the constant ringing in his ear. With the soundless air swirling around him, Zunyi nodded his head in confirming that no one was about. In fact, he believed that the entire forest was empty and it indeed spit out everyone except himself. Zunyi pondered if this would be an easy mission and he smiled at himself for it. As he started humming excitedly, he turned his attention eastward and moved on ahead. For seconds later, he manages to spot the dirty road that he went off for so long after being pursuited by his enemies. Luckily for him or so he thought, no one was there and he was able to move out without a care in the world.

Zunyi continued along the path; swinging his arms widely and away from his sides. His feet were taking steps on the ground. Making them light as to no give his enemies some lead as to where he was going. His footsteps echoed faintly upon his ears and to his surroundings; though the forest itself was silent and kept on listening in onto the only one that inhabits it. As he walks, a wind blew from east to west. Blowing away some tree branches where the leaves broke from them and swirled up into the midair disappearing above him. The winds blew more; pulling more leaves out from their stems. Zunyi walked past the leaves, spotting something up ahead. It was another crossroad. Two paths were pointing ahead and were parallel of one another. The sign in between them was brown and only had two arrows pointing in opposite directions. Both arrows were perhaps pertaining to the two paths on either side of it. Zunyi drew closer before stopping in front of the sign; his eyes lowered and glanced. Wondering what was written onto the sign, he noticed it was cleaned and free of marks or letters that were supposed to be ingrain onto it. Zunyi blinked in surprised, and stepped back widening his eyes. Accidently setting off his ability, he watched as his left eye turned pale and the once colorful surrounding forest had turned into a dark shade of blue gray.

No lights. No nothing that stood out into the darkness that now surrounds him. Nothing was there; everything was of the same shade of coloring which frightens the poor fox. As his mouth dragged under and his gray eyes staring out on what was in front of him, Zunyi concluded that nothing was indeed there. No was lurking within the radius to surprise him and he was rather lucky of that. But to just be sure, he shifted himself and stepped his feet around for now he was looking behind him. Staring off into the forest trees, his eye widened and the colorful forest trees lost all their color. He stared for a short time before feeling an short burst of air entered into his eyes forcing him to shut his ability down for just a moment. When he does, however, his eyes narrowed and his fangs tightened as he realized he was not alone after all. Two enemies were there behind him; through an unknown number of yards awaiting for his exposure and he just go himself opened.

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