R7: Quietness

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R7: Quietness


The door opened and she paused to a stop. Raising her eyes upward to the door before her as she watched it opened wide for her, she reached out a paw to the surface pressing onto it and it creek more in response. The door widened itself for her to entered in which she took the chance and entered in without any hesitation upon herself. Taking a step forward, she entered in and was met in the large kitchen room with the other contestant upon her eyes. For at first glance, she narrowed and growled at her. She turned her attention towards Liquiz and narrowed in response but never made a sound. She started her walk towards her; arms in to her sides as her eyes stared directly to Liquiz then stopped when they were closed to one another. She raised her paw upward to Liquiz's shoulder, hitting onto it with a soft bang that only the two of them would hear and she spoke.

"The name's Viryu. You must be Liquiz, right?" she said, Liquiz only gave a little of response as Viryu smiled faintly in silence before handing her a piece of paper which Liquiz took to reading almost immediately. Looking down and facing the paper before her, she read the paper quickly before handing back it to Viryu who nodded and said nothing afterwards; but shoved the paper into her pocket before her eyes looked about as she smiled to Liquiz and responded. "We only have a few minutes or so before whoever had left this here will catch us. So might as well check around huh?" "That... sounds fine." Liquiz responded, giving no hesitation as her eyes shifted around the kitchen. The first of the many rooms that they were in.

The kitchen had a sink to Liquiz's left. The dishwasher next to that sink. The smaller cabins were scattered all throughout the room; some to Liquiz's sides and others to her front and back where Liquiz would be able to see it if she just turned around. Walking up to the cabinets, she pulled a black metal knob backwards and looked inside. It was pitch dark, harder to see what was inside without the use of some flashlight. Though, Liquiz reached in with her paw and shoved it inside the cabin that she picked. Feeling her way around the small place, she realized that it does not have anything inside of it for it was empty, in conclusion. That had surprised her. As she went towards the other cabinets to check their contents, hopefully to find something there, she also saw that the others were resulted the same as the first she had checked in. Nothing. Frustrated and worried, Liquiz shifted her attention towards Viryu who said nothing, but her back was turned on her and she seemed to be moving straight for the living room next door. Liquiz picked herself up and followed, silently.

The living room was a bit bigger than the kitchen. A television sits in front of them. Behind it was the sofa and the front door. A pair of lamps sits next to the sofa. The cabinet was adjacent to the front door. There was a switch also with the front door; but it was covered in plastic and a small white sign that had big black letters written inside it. Curiously, Liquiz shifted her eyes towards the sign and walked to it. Closing herself towards the sign she sets her eyes into, she stared and read aloud the words imprinted 'Do not touch.' "Why?" Liquiz wondered, turning herself over to Viryu who shrugged before motioning her and turned her attention left to the stairs that were raised to the second floor. Liquiz blinked, noticing the stairs too but shook her head afterwards and flopped to the sofa. Crashing her butt onto the softness of the sofa, she let out a sigh as she raised her legs up into the air touching the invisible chest that sits in front of her before looking around for the remote. If there was any. As Liquiz set herself comfy as possible, Viryu sighed softly chuckling to herself before she disappeared into the darkness above. Everything was silent just as Liquiz had intended it to be. But somehow. This place gives her uncertainty. She does not know why, however. But whenever she looked about; setting her eyes towards objects around the kitchen room or to the living room that she was in, she felt the heavy atmosphere raining down onto her shoulders. As if, she does not belong here and so does Viryu.

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