Chapter 7

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Dabi's PoV:

It's the middle of the night and I can't sleep. I've just been staring at ceiling.

These quirk cancelling bracelets around my wrists are uncomfortable.

After awhile of just starting at my ceiling I got up and went out of my room and went to Deku's.

I knocked lightly on his door and waited. Soon, he answered, he looked a bit annoyed.

I rubbed the back of my neck and looked away from him. "Can't sleep?" He asked. I just nodded in response.

He sighed and pulled me inside of his room. Eventually, after an hour I fell asleep.


Aizawa's PoV:

It was way too early in the morning. I went up to the top floor where the villains are.

My students were already heading to class right now.

I knocked on their doors. The only one who answered was Toga.

"Oh! Hello, Mr sleep deprived man!" She said cheerfully.

I glared at her and let out a sigh. "Go get ready. You're going to class today."

She nodded and closed her door.

I walked over to Dabi's door and knocked on it. No answer.

'Why isn't he answering?' I thought.

I walked over to Deku's door and knocked.

He answered and opened the door slightly.

I pushed the door open with my foot. When I did, I saw Dabi asleep on the floor.

"Why is Dabi asleep on the floor in your room?" I asked.

"He couldn't sleep last night, he usually comes to one of us when he can't sleep." Deku said.

"Can you wake him up?" I asked.

Deku nodded and walked over to Dabi, nudging him with his foot. Dabi didn't wake up. "T, wake up."

I sighed and walked into the room and up to them.

I kneeled down infront of Dabi and shook him awake.

His eyes opened and he immediately put his arm over his eyes.

"Go get ready. You are going to school today." I said, standing up and walking out of the room.


All three of them soon walked out of their rooms in the uniforms and to me.

Dabi had changed his uniform up a bit though. He wasn't wearing the tie properly and wasn't wearing the school pants.

I let out a sigh, not bothering to get him to wear the proper uniform.

I wrapped the three in my scarf and dragged them to the school.

Kirishima PoV:

Mr Aizawa hasn't arrived yet. He is late most of the time to class but he is later than usual today.

"Where is Mr Aizawa?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, kero." Asui said. "Maybe he is just late."

"Maybe.." I mumbled.


I am not shipping Dabi and Deku! Toga, Deku and Dabi see eachother as family.

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