James's Birthday Cake

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Words: 672

Description: Remus and Sirius 'try' to make James a birthday cake.


"Why are we doing this again?" Remus asked, tying an apron around his waist. 

"Because," Sirius reasoned. "James will appreciate it more in the way that people like homemade things because the...the thought counts? Or something?"

"I don't think that usually translates to birthday cakes, but alright."

Sirius grinned.

It was indeed James's seventeenth birthday the next day, March 27th, 1977. They could very well have the house elves make a cake like they did every other year, but Sirius wanted this one to be special. It was his best makes coming of age!

Remus had of course already foreseen the disaster that the cake baking would probably result in, so he'd assigned Peter to make a backup cake in secret, as Peter was the only one out of them that actually had any idea what he was doing. 

The house elves had been kind enough to let them use the kitchens as long as they promised to clean up after themselves. 

Sirius started by grabbing the flour and dumping some in a bowl. 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Remus yelped. "You didn't even read the recipe!"

Sirius looked confused. "Yeah, but I'm pretty sure there's flour in cake."

Remus sighed. "Well, yeah, there is. But you didn't measure it."



"Oh well," Sirius shrugged, cracking a couple eggs and throwing those in as well.


Sirius waved him off. "It'll be fine, Remus. Calm yourself."

Remus reminded himself to take deep breaths. 

While Sirius threw in ingredients at random, Remus sat on the counter and watched him. The only thing keeping him from jumping in and taking over was the fact that Peter was on the other side of the kitchen baking a perfect cake out of Sirius's sight. 

Sirius grabbed a spoon and started aggressively stirring the batter. It appeared that he did not expect the flour to explode like it did. Remus laughed when the cloud of flour settled and Sirius's face was covered in the white powder and his hair looked like he'd been out in the snow. 

Remus's laughter died and he knew he was screwed when Sirius turned to him, smirking in an evilly mischievous way. 

"Oh fuck!" Remus yelped and jumped off the counter as Sirius chased him around the kitchenette. 

Sirius cackled and dug his hand into the flour, grabbing a handful and throwing it at Remus. 

"Sirius!" Remus said, wiping flour out of his eyes so he could see. He coughed, causing a cloud of flour to explode right in front of him. 

Remus laughed. "Oh, you're going to get it."

Sirius shrieked as they spent the next few minutes chasing each other around with flour. 

Once they'd tired themselves out, Remus was left with white hand prints on his bottom while Sirius was nearly wheezing with laughter while Remus tried to get the flour out. 

Remus had tears in his eyes from laughing so hard and he dumped Sirius's lumpy batter concoction into the cake pan and stuck it in the oven.

They had a romantic kissing intermission while the cake baked and somehow, it was a mystery really, but the hand prints reappeared. 

"We're supposed to let it cool off for a few--" Remus said as he turned off the oven. 

"Hm?" Sirius asked, dumping frosting onto the cake. 

Remus sighed. "You're already putting on the icing, aren't you."


"I don't know why I expected different."

"Yeah, you should know better by now."

"I really should, shouldn't I?"

Sirius grinned and stood on his tiptoes to kiss Remus. 

Peter cleared his throat and Remus backed away, still not used to them knowing about them. Sirius only scowled at Peter, upset that they'd been interrupted.

"If you two are quite done, I've finished the cake."

"Oh! Thank Merlin, Peter, you're the best," Remus said, looking down at the perfect cake in Peter's arms.

Sirius spluttered, looking from Peter's beautiful cake to his...to his cake. He looked at Remus, questions swimming in his eyes. 

Remus only laughed at his expression. "It turns out that I do know better about some things."

Sirius chuckled. "Touche."


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