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Requested by: siriusinasweater
Description: Sirius and Remus are married and get a child.
Today was a very special day for the Lupin-Blacks. It was the day they were going to get their child. Remus and Sirius got married pretty quickly after graduating Hogwarts, as did James and Lily. They had all moved on to do great things, Remus was the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts for four years running, Sirius had enrolled at St. Mungos hospital as a Mental Health expert and a psychiatrist. James became an Auror, Lily a journalist, and Peter a Death Eater.

James, being the mother hen of the group, had realized that Peter was being more distant than usual and decided to investigate. He'd discovered that Peter had betrayed them in becoming a Death Eater and, though it pained him greatly to do so, turned him in. He made Sirius the secret keeper in troubling times when James, Lily, and their baby Harry had to stay withing the confines of a Fidelius Charm on their home.

By the time Harry was two, Voldemort had been defeated, ending his reign of terror. James and Lily were able to lift the Fidelius on their home and raise Harry in Godric's Hollow as they had always intended to do.

Remus and Sirius had wanted children for awhile, and the baby fever only increased when their friends started having kids. First it was Frank and Alice with Neville, and then James and Lily with Harry.

The only problem was that neither Remus nor Sirius had the capabilities to carry a child, and every adoption center they went to turned them away. Even as the 80s were getting more progressive, being gay was still frowned upon. The only reason they were able to get married was because Dumbledore officiated it. They weren't married legally.

They were feeling hopeless, causing a strain in their relationship, when one of Sirius's coworkers suggested a surrogate. Her name was Nymphadora Tonks and, after sitting down with Sirius and Remus, agreed to be their surrogate.

In the end, they decided that the baby would have Remus's genes because Sirius didn't want the baby to have any blood ties to the Black family.

After nine long months of anxiously waiting, preparing for the baby's arrival, they got the call that Nymphadora was going into labor.

The two rushed to the hospital as quickly as they could. Remus sent off a quick patronus to the Potters before Sirius and Remus apparated to St. Mungos.

Sirius led the way to the delivery ward where Nymphadora was. When they entered the room, she was laying on a hospital bed, propped up by a great many pillows. Her bubblegum pink hair had turned an angry shade of red.

Remus and Sirius rushed to her side. "How are you doing?" Remus asked.

"Oh I'm fine," she said, forcing a smile that really looked like she was bearing her teeth. She grimaced and groaned as another contraction came.

Sirius tried to be strong and encouraging, though he wasn't sure he could stay in the room much longer. "You're doing great," he said.

Tonks rolled her eyes and gripped the edges of the bed tightly in her fists.

As predicted by everyone present, Sirius left the room for the birth though Remus stayed through the whole thing.

And finally, the baby was born. "It's a boy!" The doctor announced. Remus wasn't sure he could recall a time when he was happier. He thought about this day often, the day when he'd get to meet his son or daughter, and he always thought that he would be scared. Sure, he was so excited to have a kid, he'd wanted this for a long time, but he was scared. Scared of the responsibility, scared of how full moons would affect parenting, scared of lots of things.

But when the doctor handed Remus the baby, he wasn't scared. And then Sirius was there and he was starting to tear up, looking at his baby boy. He kissed Remus, wrapping his arms around his husband and his baby.

The two of them thanked Tonks profusely, to which she waved them off. They were lucky enough that their baby was very healthy, and after a few tests and check ups, they were able to leave the hospital the very same day.

They'd taken many parenting classes prior to this day, and Lily had been showing them how to parent through her own lessons and making them babysit Harry, so they were mostly prepared.

James, Lily, and Harry were waiting for them when they got back to their home. They'd previously set up a plan that they would come over to help get the new family settled.

They introduced the Potters to their son Edward 'Teddy' Lupin-Black. Harry was extra excited that he got to have a 'cousin' of sorts that was two years younger than him.

That night, they passed the nursery that would one day be their baby's bedroom and went to bed, laying their son in between them on their bed.

Remus didn't mean to, but he started to cry a little, looking across at his husband and his beautiful little boy.

"I love you," he whispered as Sirius turned to flick off the lights.

"I love you more," Sirius whispered back, leaning over to give him a kiss goodnight.


The first few months were tough. Some would call it a learning experience. Sirius and Remus learned things about each other that they didn't previously know, such as how Sirius is amazing at making Teddy laugh, but probably shouldn't be the one to change his diaper. Or how when Teddy was fussy, the best place to be was on Remus's chest, where he would gently rub the baby's back. But god forbid Sirius tried to touch Remus or Teddy when they were cuddling because "you'll wake him up, Sirius!"

They discovered after a few months that Teddy was indeed a metamorphmagus like his surrogate mother. It started as little things, they would be eating dinner and Sirius would go to give him his bottle and he'd look away and back to discover that Teddy's eyes were a slightly different color.

But as he got older, it was more drastic. He started changing his hair color to match whoever was holding him. He only looked like himself when Remus was holding him because they looked a lot alike. But if Sirius was holding him, his hair would change to black, same with James. If Lily was holding him, he'd have red hair.

He was two years old when the colors evolved to brighter shades. Remus would be reading him a book about firetrucks and his hair would turn a vibrant red. Or the three of them would be outside and Teddy's hair would turn as green as the grass.

Teddy was six years old when he adopted his trademark turquoise hair color. He would still change it often, but it would always turn back to turquoise.

When it was time for Teddy to go to Hogwarts, Sirius and Remus were elated. Even though Remus taught Defense, they still lived at home, opting to floo to their jobs every morning.

Teddy was sorted to Hufflepuff, and though Sirius was quite surprised and just a little bit sour, they were both quite proud. Harry, a third year Gryffindor, promised to show Teddy around and help him out. They even worked out a deal that Harry would lend the Map to Teddy every once in awhile. Sirius was quite adamant about their child having joint custody of the Map since he had two Marauder parents as opposed to Harry only having one.

As their son grew older, he excelled in school, though he got into a fair bit of trouble as well, which Sirius was definitely proud of.

And then, one day, news came that Teddy was dating Victorie Weasley.

Remus often thought of the day they met Teddy. About how scared he'd been. There was plenty to be scared of, sure, but it was all worth it. All of it.

This has been a good life, he thought to himself as he sat next to his gorgeous husband at Teddy's graduation ceremony.

He squeezed Sirius's hand and said, "I love you."

Sirius smirked and squeezed his hand back. "I love you more."


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