Detention, the Lot of You! Part 4

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Description: Now that the Marauders are aware of Remus's abuse, they're determined to rescue him.


Remus was fifteen now, at the end of fourth year. Christmas at the Potters' with James and Sirius went better than he could've expected and he was invited back the next year, which Remus was quite happy about.

But he would have to get through the summer first.

Remus was scared. He had a little bit of trouble admitting it to himself at first, but he was.

He'd told himself at the beginning of the year that he would stay out of trouble, but he'd gotten more detentions this year than he had in third year. His father would be furious.

They sat together in a compartment on the train and this time all the attention was on Remus. He hid his fear well, he was composed and his jaw was set tight, but he was screaming on the inside. And the other boys knew that.

"We'll find a way to rescue you, I promise," Sirius said as they separated at the platform. Remus felt a lump in his throat and he nodded at them as Sirius hurried off to where his mother and Regulus were standing. James patted him firmly on the shoulder in that way of his that filled you with courage.

And Remus turned to face his father. But he wasn't there. Remus's stomach dropped and he turned to see if any of his mates were still there, but they had gone and Remus was alone.

He waited at the station for some time, until all the students and their families had cleared out and his father still hadn't shown. Remus didn't know how he was going to get home, he couldn't very well walk and he didn't know how to apparate.

After running through all of his options, he decided on the Knight Bus. He'd never taken it before, but he'd heard stories. He looked both ways to be sure the muggles weren't watching and he stuck out his left hand with his wand and there was a great 'pop' sound and a giant purple double decker bus careened up to the curb and the door opened.

"'Ello mate, welcome to the Knight Bus! Where can we take ya?"

Remus dragged his trunk behind him and told the driver his address.

"Ya might want'er take a seat, lad. It's going to be a bumpy ride!"

Remus did as he was told and still ended up being sick.

When the bus finally stopped in front of their cottage, Remus could barely walk for the shaking of his legs. He thanked the driver and payed him with the little pocket money he had left from James and stumbled up to his front door.

It was past dark and cold and the trees whispered and moved like they were haunted things and Remus could swear he saw shadows moving about.

The door was locked. Remus could've cried, but he didn't. He knocked and tried the door again and again, but it never opened. Remus could hear Lyall just inside and he knew that Lyall was aware he was locked outside and he didn't let him in.

Remus sank against the wall and wrapped his sweater tightly around his shoulders. He watched the shadows until the sun rose, knowing that if he dared to close them, the trees would snatch him up and he'd never be seen again.

Lyall let him inside after he'd had his morning coffee and read the paper.

He led Remus right past the kitchen where he could smell the bacon cooking and he took him right to the cellar.

Remus started to panic as they got closer to the door.

Not the cellar, not the cellar, NOT THE CELLAR!

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