"What idea?"

"We want to have a girls' time at the guys' den. But they never let us go there, so we need you to help us convince them." Lilith grins mischievously, pointing at the bags she and Olivia brought.

"How am I supposed to do that?" I implore curiously.

"We have something. – Olivia giggles, pulling out something fleecy out of the bag – Grandpa Alan got those for us for Christmas." She shows me a fuzzy grey pajamas. It's a cute oversized cat Kigurumi, with a long tail and a hood with cat ears. I stare at it in a mix of shock and amusement. My grandpa got me a fleecy cat onesie for Christmas? Really?

"It's cute." I chuckle.

"Right?! – Lilith laughs – It's so adorable! You're a cat, I'm a panda and Liv is a polar bear!" She gushes, making me laugh at her enthusiasm.

"Our plan is to put those on, raid the den and make the guys let us have it for the afternoon. We can't really spend the evening there, cause we're going home later, but we can still stay there until dinner. We already got snacks and drinks ready, but if the guys don't give up the den... You know what I mean, right?" Olivia gives me a hopeful look, pouting cutely.

"Okay, okay. Let's do it." I grin, making the girls squeal excitedly.

We all change into our costumes and thick fuzzy socks to finish the looks then happily skip downstairs to the 'den' the guys have built in the basement. The only downside of the girls' plan is that in order to get to the basement, we have to pass by the living room, where all the adults are sitting.

"Aww..." A collective coo resounds through the room the moment we enter it, as everyone stares at us in adoration. "You girls are so cute!" Carla croons.

"Thank you!" Lilith giggles, linking her arm with mine as she snuggles into me.

"What are you up to?" Ethan asks suspiciously, clearly noticing my calculating look.

"We're raiding the den." Olivia states proudly, snuggling into me from the other side. They lead me to the kitchen, where they gather the food they got and put it in a big bag, before we head to the basement. I don't miss how the adults coo over our appearance once again, but I'm not at all ashamed of what I'm wearing. I look fabulous!


While Nolan plays against Chris on the Xbox, the rest of us lounge on the couches, cheering the guys on or simply drinking beer. When Silas and Ryder brought me to the basement, I was genuinely surprised at what I saw. The room we're in is just like the home theatre Lia and I got at our house. Only bigger and with more stuff in here. Instead of beanbags, like my girl and I have, there are comfy couches set in a letter U, facing a huge TV screen connected to a console and a DVD player . There's also a minibar in here and a fridge with drinks and liquor.

"WOW!" Ryder exclaims suddenly in shock, making us all turn around.

And my jaw drops.

Right in the doorway, there's my kitten and her two cousins, wearing adorable oversized onesies. Lia is dressed as a cat and it takes all my willpower to not coo at her cuteness. My cutie.

"That's a sight I never thought I'd see. - Ryan chuckles in amusement – Aren't you just the cutest little ones... But what are you doing here? I thought you said you wanted to have a girls' night?"

"We do. And that's why we're here. – Olivia grins – We want the den." She states commandingly, but due to her adorable costume, she doesn't appear even a bit intimidating.

"Is that so?" Aiden teases with a smirk.

"That's exactly so, brother. – Lia bats her lashes sweetly at us before grinning evilly – It's time the girls have some say in things too, don't you think?" Uh-oh, I know this look.

The girls exchange a look before my kitten comes up to the couch slowly, smirking sinisterly at us as she stands behind Ryan. I guess she realized that he's 'the leader' of the group and what he says, goes.

"What are you doing?" Ryan chuckles as Lia wraps her arms around him from behind. I barely stop myself from laughing when I realize what she's about to do. She used this move on Tank when she wanted to go shopping with Killer's woman and Maggie.

Her most effective method of persuasion.


"My dear sweet cousin... - Lia croons - We... would very much like to have the den for ourselves tonight. Why don't you boys go out and play some soccer or whatever it is you guys like to do, hmm?" She smiles sweetly, batting her lashes at her cousin.

Ryan only laughs, shaking his head. "Don't think your cuteness can sway me, little cousin. The den is ours and we're not going to give it up." He smirks smugly, getting only a dark chuckle from my girl. Oh boy, here she goes.

"Is that so?" She taunts, tightening her arms around Ryan's neck, making him cough as he tries to pry her arms off him. But my girl's relentless, squeezing him tightly with an innocent smile on her face. For some reason, no one intervenes or tries to stop m kitten. Everyone just watches in amusement as my girl plays with her cousin.

"Lia! – he sputters – Come on, let's just talk. There's no need for this." He coughs, tapping out.

I stare amused as Lia strangles Ryan with a sweet smile. "Hmm? Hmm? Ready to give up?" She teases.

"Okay, fine! – he gives in – The den's yours!" He exclaims, getting a peck on the cheek from Lia before she releases him.

"Thank you, Ry."

"Ryan! What the hell?" Gavin exclaims in shock, staring at his cousin dumbfounded.

"Hey, you try getting choked by her. She's like a fucking boa constrictor!" Ryan defends himself, rubbing his neck pointedly before wrapping Lia's arms back around his shoulders. "You're quite strong despite having such thin arms, little one." He praises with a smile.

"I'm not little." Lia grumbles, circling her arms around Ryan's neck again.

"Okay, okay, sorry. You're not little." He quickly apologizes, getting a smug grin from my girl as she pats his head like a dog, making everyone laugh loudly.

"Good boy. Now get out." Lia smiles sweetly, petting Ryan's head teasingly.

The sight is beyond ridiculous. A tiny slip of a girl, dressed in a fleecy cat onesie, petting 30-year-old guy's head. It doesn't help that Ryan is a huge fucker, being around 6'5" and buff like a bodybuilder.

Once my kitten decides that she's done playing with her cousin, she comes to sit on the couch, but I pull her by her tail to sit in my lap, cradling her to me lovingly. "Have fun, babe. – I give her a quick kiss – I'll see you at dinner, yeah?"

"Sure. – she smiles – Don't let them bully you, okay?"

"You know I won't." I smirk, kissing her again before setting her beside me and walking out of the room, leaving the girls alone.

The Unbreakable (Ghost Series Part 3)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz