CHAPTER 15: His fear

Start from the beginning

"Amelia? Amelia? No, no, no, no. Keep your eyes open!" I patted her cheeks gently. Her breathing was getting lower, but there were signs of life in her. "I'm going to take you to the doctor. How does that sound?"

She didn't respond so I scooped her up in my arms while being careful with her leg and ran out of my office, my heart once again beating wildly as I held her close to my chest.

"Capo!" The doctor exclaimed as I barged into the infirmary and helped me lay the girl down on the bed.

"Capo, please go outside. I'll take care from here." Our family doctor pleaded and tried to pull the curtains in front of my face, blocking my view of Amelia.

"N-No! She—" I pushed the curtains away from my face.

"Capo, capo, you have done enough help. Please step away."

I paused. Help? I did not help her. I was the one who brought her in that position and I regretted it.

I released my frustration on her and now, I am scared for her life which is something I didn't know that I would ever feel again.


I kept staring at the blood on my hands. It had dried up and was sticking on my rough skin. The same hand which had killed countless of my enemies, padre's enemies so that we could keep our family safe.

I heard fast footsteps approaching me. Before I could look up, a fist collided my face.

"Leo, what the fuck?! What did you do? I asked you to try to see something different with her and not to shoot her!"

I rubbed my jaw and looked my brother who was raging in anger.

"It was an accident!"

"Right," He scoffed. "I am supposed to believe that shooting Amy was an accident. Aiming your fucking gun at her was an accident and pressing the trigger was the biggest accident of them all!"

"I didn't meant to shoot her!" I shouted. "I was getting stressed and she was annoying the shit out of me. I wasn't thinking!"

"Well guess what, capo?" He sneered. "She might not be able to annoy you or anybody else anymore and it will be your fucking fault."

"I am sorry, okay?! I am sorry! Sorry for putting your urgent paperwork first and not listening to her useless chattering! I should have scolded her first and then threatened to actually shoot her instead of directly shooting her!"

"You bastardo! You're blaming me?!" He shouted back and threw another punch at me.

I blocked it by grabbing his fist. "Fratello, calm down! We are in the infirmary."

He pulled back immediately, straightened his suit and tie and took deep breaths to calm himself.

"All good?" I asked cautiously. Angry Adrian is a very rare Adrian.

He nodded. "How is she?"

"Don't know. The doctor is still operating on her."

"I swear, if anything happens to Amy..."

"It won't." I assured him. I did not fail to notice that Adrian had really got attached to that girl in only a few meetings. I did know that they had met before I came into the picture, but I didn't understand how he got so attached to her. "But I do hope that I brought her here on time."

He scoffed again. "You wouldn't need to bring her here if you had control over your fucking emotions."

"I said I'm sorry. It's not an everyday routine for me to go shooting a mere housekeeper and apologize." He glared at me. "Okay, fine. Not a housekeeper."

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