Part 8

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Mike's pov

Tears streaming down her face. I watched her, I felt guilt rushing through all over my body. She ran away from me. I didn't dare to stop her. I have no guts to do so.

She is the first girl, my eyes have captured. But, what I did now?? My face fell down, due to shame. I have never treated any girl like this, in my whole life.

I made a girl cry!! I have to apologize her. And I have waited for her that whole day, and she never returned. My heart felt heavy. And the picture of her, crying, just keeps on swirling in my head.

I didn't sleep well last night. I kept on thinking about her.I woke up early in the morning this day, while taking my bath, I have pictured her coming today, like her big puffy eyes, running nose, sore throat. I got ready quickly and went to the studio early to wait for her to apologize.

Care's pov

I woke up at 7:30 in the morning. OMG, there is only 30  min left to go to office. I quickly did my businesses and got bathed. As I see myself in mirror, my eyes are not puffy that much. So I did my makeup, lightly to cover my face.

And went to studio hurriedly, I noticed Mike standing at the entrance of the studio. But I didn't even glanced at him. And I hurriedly got in. Why is he standing there? I don't want to think about him.

I have set the shot ready. And I am seeing everything from afar. I don't want to go near him. I have ingnored him at all costs. I am not a bitch, not fond of him,though when I see him I feel like I am going to because of his angelic features. But, not every girl in this world just follow him, for his charm,money,or his deepest voice. I know I am strong. I can go through this. This insult. This sadness. Everything.

whenever he came to place, where I have been. I would just go away from that place. I have made so many friends here. And I am very kind to them all, though, they are all my sub-ordinates.

As I am  talking to them,one person is talking very well to me. He is so funny too. And he is from the so called Mike's band. But he is so different from Mike. His name is Luca. He does his work in time. And spends some time with co-workers. He smiles around a lot. He is like me. That's why I get well along with him.

I didn't have any feelings for him. I just like being with a person like me. And he is Luca. Today, I have talked with him,2 to 3 times. And everytime I see him, smile plasters on my face. His presence itself brings happiness, and his smile is so contagious, and he makes people around him happy. Just like me.

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