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Thank you @xSimonex for the awesome cover!


Sometimes I wonder if life would be different if I made more responsible decisions. I wouldn't be able to tell you if it would've ended in a better scenario or worse, but it always crossed my mind.

I've got a lot of time to think now a days; more time to count the never ending cracks-large and small- in the cement walls and floor, to observe the beginnings of rust in the metal bars towering over me. More time to notice how the baggy jumpsuit tied around my bony hips reeks of sweat from many restless nights of sleeping. All I have now is time. Time . . . time . . . time.

My brother used to constantly yell at me, telling me to grow up and become more mature. He was always looking for a chance to tell me that if mom and dad were still around, they would be disappointed in how I turned out. This was before the shooting incident.

Since then I've been alone. I've never been a people person. But, don't get me wrong, it wasn't that I was socially awkward ... because I was far from that. I just never understood the average person, so complex and over emotional. I had few friends and if I ever accomplished gaining some, I had a tendency to constantly push them away. . . I only had my brother left. Now he was gone too. I had no one left. There was no one to tell me right from wrong and no one to scold me if I messed up. It only made sense how everything played out after that.


Thanks for reading!! I would love to hear your imput and suggestions so far!

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~stay awesome ;)

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