Jon walked, and walked, with nowhere seeming to have any sort of life to be found. Strange sounds begin to resonate all around him. Jon starts to walk faster, and more sounds begin to resonate from the treetops. He keeps picking up speed till he's just full-on sprinting, the sounds kept pulsing in his ears but he didn't pay too much mind as he kept running. Right then, as if his luck couldn't get worse, he ran into a forest clearing and he saw a almost looked like a bear...but it wasn't. Its face was warped and blurred, almost as if it were melting. The creature then looked right at Jon and let out a roar.

Jone takes a few steps back but the beast had already begun to slide toward him with great speed "Shit!" Jon thinks as he dives away from the creature. The beast slams into a tree and its body wrap around it crushing the trunk like a twig. Jon begins to kick the ground to move away, he fumbles and panics trying to get off the ground. But it's too late the beast is standing over him, mouth fully agape ready to bite Jon in half.

"Fuck her for being right!" Jon said, he then curled up and closed his eyes, bracing himself for what came next.

Jon waited, eyes clenched shut. He waited more then suddenly he felt something large and wet fall on him. He quickly opens his eyes and looks at his chest to see the creature's head still moving. But Jon also noticed that its head was detached, he then looked up to see a tall, lanky man, katana in hand, move quickly towards the creature's body and begin to skin it.

Jon immediately pushes the head off of him, and slowly gets on to his feet. He walks over toward the man who is now searching the insides of the beast "Hey, thanks for...uh...saving my life."

The man continues to search the insides of the creature without looking at Jon "I didn't kill it to save you" he pulls out a six-chambered beating heart from the beast "I was tracking it for days to get this". He shows Jon the beating heart...

"Oh..." Jon said, he then looked around and said "I haven't seen anyone around here for a few miles."

The man continued to skin the creature, not paying Jon any mind. Jon begins to get annoyed at being ignored by this man.
"Who are you?" Jon asked

The man continued to ignore him and Jon snapped at him "Hey, asshole! I asked what your fucking name was?!"

The man hops onto his feet and begins to walk away from Jon not answering his question. Jon watches the man walk away from him for a moment. He then quickly follows after him "Hey wait up".

Jon, now walking a few steps behind the man "Hey are you going to tell me your name or what?" he asks. 

The man stops for a second "Will you shut up if I tell you?" he asks Jon.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll shut up. I won't say another word. Not even a whisper. I-."

"Sairento." The man says as he covers Jon's mouth with his hand "My name is Sairento."

Jon then looked down, and Sairento took his hand off of Jon's mouth, and Jon muttered "Okay."

Sairento then looked at him, and said: "I thought you said not another word."

"Oh yeah, uh. I did say that." Jon said, then Sairento put his hand to his mouth to signal to Jon to be quiet. There was something lurking in the woods.

Jon looked around in a panic "Oh God, what now?" he thought as he began looking around.

"Stay quiet," Sairento says as he begins to run forward.

Jon takes a deep breath and tries to keep up with him. Sairento jumps over fallen trees and slides under trunks like the wind, while Jon trips and fumbles trying to keep him in the line of sight.

"Fucking...wait. Jesus Christ man." Jon said as he continued to fumble through the forest.

Jon trips on a vine and he lands face first in the dirt. He pushes himself off the ground but feels a large drop of water fall on his head. He feels the wet spot and notices it's not water or completely water. He slowly turns around and sees a large looking shadow with piercing red eyes and large fangs dripping with saliva. At this moment Jon knows that he might die.

"Cover your nose!" Sairento yells behind him, as the heart he grabbed from the beast is thrown at Jon's feet. On impact, the heart burst into a brown gas that smells worse than any roadkill on the planet.

"Come on! Now!" Sairento yelled

Jon hopped up, still covering his nose. He and Sairento ran as fast as they could through the forest. Jon could keep up better with Sairento. After a while of running, Sairento suddenly stopped and Jon, not expecting this, also stopped but practically flew to the ground. Jon groaned in pain as he looked up. There was a large tree, probably the biggest that he had seen since he had gotten there. Sairento then looked at the large tree.

"I'm home," he said 

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