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The next morning, Derek walked in the kitchen to everyone but Bethany sitting down for breakfast.

"Um, something's wrong with Bethany."

"It's puberty son, it happens to everyone," Mike said.

"No, I was on my way out of the bathroom in the hallway, I saw Bethany walking out, she looks different. It's creeping me out."

"How so?"

"You'll see, she's coming."

"We'll see alright, better not be a nose piercing or a mohawk," Grant said.

"We love her no matter what honey," Claire said.

Bethany walked in, wearing her leather jacket, her hair cut short pixie style. They gasped.

"Bethany!" Liz said.

"What did you do to yourself!?" Mike said.

"I just look different that's all."

"That's all? You look like a punk version of Mia Farrow."

"It's James Dean inspired."

Bethany sat down.

"Oh really. If your parents were alive today, what would they think?"

"I would be shocked you cut your own hair," Grant said.

"They would be shocked you cut your own hair," Jack said.

"They would I guess, especially Daddy. I always wanted to cut my own hair but I didn't out of fear of my parents being super disappointed in me."

"We would be because you have zero experience in hair cutting! It's like a lawnmower with a barber license," Grant said.

"The style actually looks cute on you," Liz said.

"I like her new hair Grant, yes it was shocking at first but she's Bethany Pritchard, the same little girl we all know and love. Jack ask her why would we be disappointed in her for that?"

"Bethany, why would they be disappointed in you?" Jack asked.

"Daddy was always prejudice when it comes to the trends of kids today, he used to say mohawks were absurd, he used to say that big hair bands were like a bunch of wet mops in a band. Van Halen's not as bad as he thinks it is. Trends are normal, like what was with the shag in the 70s? It was a trend. Beehives in the 60s were a trend, it's absurd to me but it's just a trend. Mum told me her mother had one then. Pixies like the one I have, it's timeless. Your hair is your crowning glory, in order to love yourself you gotta think for yourself. Derek's hair is a trend of this decade it looks bloody cool on him."

"Thanks Bethany," Derek said.

"When I was your age, I had short hair that was partially combed on one side, trendy like Dapper Dan back then," Jack said.

"And it's hair, it'll grow back long again," Liz said.

"I'm starved, let's eat."

They continued to eat.

"What a speech huh?" Liz asked.

"Well, our daughter is becoming a woman. And what about the part where she's turning out like me?" Grant asked.

"She is, and I'll bet you a night on the couch."

"Wow that's brutal."

"I can be brutal, I once slashed the tires of our neighbor's car for trying to get me to bed with him."

"I remember that...that was you?"

"Yep. Not the first time I performed an act of vengeance Grant, I may seem naive but I'm really not."

Claire winked at Grant, they shared a kiss.

At school, Bethany was putting a book in her locker with Tiffany beside her. Florence and Gertie passed by them but stopped as they got a couple feet away.

"Ready...set...throw," they whispered.

They threw a panty liner each at Bethany. 

"Who am I, Carrie White!?" Bethany said as she walked to then.

"Maybe if you keep up the punk act," Florence said.

"What punk act? Standing up for myself when people like you cross my path."

"When the Dooley's give you up eventually and come back to us, it'll be worse."

"It was worse when my parents died. As soon as I stepped foot in foster care, everyone but Tiffany hated me. Annie except there's no Daddy Warbucks, the roosters are you."

She imitated a rooster.

"Bethany stop," Tiffany said.

"Yeah Bethany stop, you're embarrassing us all. You're the embodiment of bad feminine hygiene."

"Says the girl who sucks face with the janitor."

Florence gasped.

"Not true at all."

"Yes it's not true, see what I did there. I made a joke, talk about embodiment."

"What about you hair, and that jacket, what in the world."

"It's my dad's you pig faced tramp."

"Did you just call me a pig?"

"Hmmhmm, you really need your hearing checked."

"Meet me after school tomorrow in the vacant lot, I'm gonna beat you so hard you'll be a rotten grape in the trash."

"See you there except you'll be the grape."

Derek was passing through, Florence grabbed him and kissed him on the mouth.

"What the!" Derek said.

Bethany was gonna charge her but Tiffany restrained her.

"You're really gonna get it this time girls."

Tiffany let her go as the girls left.

"Bethany what the heck happened?"

"Me and Florence are gonna fight in the lot."

"Oh no, you didn't. Why did she kiss me?"

"To get back at me. I'm sick and tired of how they treat me and this is the last straw, I'm actually gonna beat them up."

"Mom and Dad said never to resort to violence-"

"Until it's the last one, it is for me."

The Pritchard's Daughter (A Nearly Departed Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon