Ancient Times

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Bethany continued to sit on her bed.

"She's so crushed, look at her," Claire said.

"She should've stayed in her room like she was told to do."

"Grant, either way, what Mike said was heartbreaking."

He sighed.

"I know. Poor Bethy, she is a wonderful girl, she's a teenager now, teens are expected to act like adults yet treated like children. That's why they tend to act out."

"It wasn't her fault this happened, it was those girls."

"Florence and Gertie, yes, the little varmints."

Bethany got up and got a suitcase out from under her bed.

"What is she doing?" Grant asked.

She opened it up, she started putting clothes in it.

"No, no, you can't run away from home!"

Grant grabbed her arm.

"Let go, Mum...Dad. Mr. Dooley hates me."

He hugged her from behind.

"You can't go darling, he didn't really mean it. Don't go."

He let go, got her pad and a pen and wrote something down. Bethany continued to pack.

"Hurry Grant!"

He was done. He tore the paper off and put it on her bed. She heard the tear and noticed. She picked up the paper.

"Bethy, do you remember the time your little kitten ran away. You wanted to look for her but it was too late at night but we told you not to? You did anyways but she was found dead on the road. Everyone doesn't like losing the people...or pets they love. We don't wanna lose you again."

She put it down.

"Oh Daddy, how I know? You're the only person to ever call me Bethy."

He wrote something else on that peice of paper.

"You know what Mrs. Dooley said? She unconditionally loves you, she thinks you're a good girl."

"That's right, I am a good girl, just that incident at school wasn't my fault."

He flipped the paper over.

"I know darling, but the Dooley's are right, violence is never the answer, only use it as a very last resort...if there will be one."

"It was a last resort, I had to put up with Florence and Gertie for over half a year. Mrs. Dodson wasn't no help, as a matter of fact, she encouraged it."

He wrote more.

"I know, I chased her with that toy rodent to defend your honor."

She smiled.

"Thanks Daddy, I could always count on you to help me."

He wrote one more thing.

"I love you."

"I love you too Daddy, you too Mum."

"And I love you," Claire said blowing a kiss.

She put her clothes back where she found them...and got into bed. Claire and Grant gasped.

"She's gonna stay the night in her new bed!"

Grant sat by her on her bed. She layed down. He sang as he stroke her hair.

"And did those feet in ancient time walk upon Englands mountains green: And was the holy Lamb of God, on Englands pleasant pastures seen! And did the Countenance Divine, shine forth upon our clouded hills? And was Jerusalem builded here, among these dark Satanic Mills? Bring me my Bow of burning gold: Bring me my arrows of desire: Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!Bring me my Chariot of fire! I will not cease from Mental Fight, nor shall my sword sleep in my hand: Till we have built Jerusalem, in Englands green and pleasant Land."

Their daughter was asleep. Grant and Claire smiled at each other.

"No wonder she loves you more than me."

"Oh Claire, she loves you too."

He puckered his lips and they shared a quick kiss.

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