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The next morning, Bethany was sleeping and her parents were watching her.

"Look at her Claire, we only been dead six months and she got more beautiful, she looks like you."

"No, she's the spitting image of you, I'm very sure."

"Better yet, she's like both of us. A share of our DNA is in her, it's amazing what Biology can do."

She chuckled. Liz walked downstairs and noticed her sleeping, she walked closer and smiled, Jack followed her.

"Morning Liz."

"Morning Dad, remember when I was a little girl, I wanted a little girl of my own to pretty up and spend all my time with. I feel sorry for the poor girl, this used to be her home, her life was here."

"I feel sorry for her too but it's crowded enough as it is," Jack said as he quickly stared at Grant.

"This one's very different Jack, she's my daughter," Grant responded.

"Our home is her's," Claire said.

"You remember the movie Pete's Dragon?"

"Yes Dad, what's that got to do with Bethany?"

"There's room for everyone in this world, not everyone makes some room,' I say and I quote. If we adopt her, we'll make room, like you said so yourself. One more person wouldn't hurt. The house is huge."

"Me and Mike talked about it, he was hesitant at first but I persuaded him, he does have sympathy. We can do it."

Grant and Claire smiled.

"Bethany's coming back!"

"Adoption is a beautiful thing," Liz said.

Mike walked downstairs.

"Morning everybody! So Jack, did Liz tell you, we decided to adopt Bethany."

Derek ran downstairs.

"I'm getting a sister," he said blankly.

At that moment, Bethany woke up to all of them staring at her. She was awkward and uncomfortable.


"Good morning," they said.

"Why are we gathered like a school of fish?"

She sat up.

"We discussed it, we decided to adopt you."

Bethany gasped.



"Thank you guys, I get to be back home again!"

She got up and hopped around the room with joy.

"Wait a minute!" Mike said.

She stopped.


"We got to call up the foster care first and discuss it with them."

She sighed.

"What if you don't get approved?"

"Don't worry, we're a loving family, you'd be perfect for us. I'm gonna call them, then we'll have breakfast," Liz said.

During breakfast, the Dooley's and Bethany ate when someone knocked on the door.

"That must be Mrs. Dodson."

Liz got up and answered the door to an older woman.

"Good morning Mrs. Dooley."

"Mrs. Dodson, you're early, come in. Bethany's eating breakfast."

Mrs. Dodson walked in.

"Miss. Pritchard, get your backpack, let's go."

"I'm eating with them-"


"Well if it isn't the Wicked Witch of the West," Grant said.

Bethany got up from the kitchen table.

"Mrs. Dodson, let me explain why she's here, this was where she lived before her parents died, she really misses this house and she has really taken a liking to us, so we would like to adopt her as soon as possible."

"She's only here for the house, let me tell you that. She definitely won't be getting adopted today, she will be back to the home and will be punished for sneaking out, we'll discuss the adoption later."

Mrs. Dodson grabbed Bethany's hand and they walked out.

"I sense something fishy about that old hag. Let's follow them."

Grant and Claire left.

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