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Bethany was eating breakfast with the Dooley's. She couldn't stop thinking about the fact that her parents haunt the house. 

"How was your new room Bethany?" Liz asked.

"I didn't sleep in it."


"I payed a lot of money for it and to be installed! What's the point in having a bed if you're not gonna sleep in it?" Mike asked.

"I'm still scared to go down there, I felt a beetle or something on my face and I just ran. Slept on the couch."

"Well we hope you sleep in your new room tonight, hurry up and finish your breakfast, you and Derek got school in less than an hour," Liz said.

"Hope? There's no hope Liz, she either sleeps in her new room or-"

Bethany got up with a piece of toast and left to go to school.

"She feels bad about this," Claire said.

Grant sighed.

"Maybe we shouldn't have made ourselves known to her, we should've let her live her life without us all together."

"If it weren't for us, she wouldn't be adopted by the Dooley's. She's our daughter, we need to help her get used to sleeping in that basement."

"We'll have to find a way to help or else she'll go insane like Norman Bates from the movie Psycho."

"I have an idea, we'll show her we won't hurt her like a ghost is expected to do."

"We're not gonna possess her, who do you think this is, The Exorcist?"

  Claire smiled.


Mike shook his head.

"Bethany needs an attitude adjustment, she can't just walk out like that."

"We need to be helping her instead of scolding her."

"When she gets home, we'll have a heart to heart conversation, all of us."

At school, Bethany was getting her school books out of her locker with Tiffany with her.

"Ugh math, my worst nightmare," Tiffany said.

"Speaking of nightmares, there's Florence and Gertie."

They saw the girls walk down the hallway.

"I want to punch her until she bleeds to death."

"Beth, they're getting closer."

"I don't give a rat's buttocks what they think of me. They would think in a few years I'll be in summer school dressed in black leather sneaking around with a guy called Rat."

"Are there guys really named Rat in this school?"

"Ha, sure hope not."

The girls were behind Tiffany.

"I'd like to punch those girls myself, bullying me too."


"I don't care if they're behind me or not, they could just kiss it!"

"Kiss what?" Florence asked.

Tiff turned around.

"Oh, hi girls ha ha," she laughed nervously.

"Why don't you save your rehearsals for when you're in front of a mirror."

"Have you looked in one yourself lately," Bethany asked.

The Pritchard's Daughter (A Nearly Departed Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now