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Bethany was at school in Science class, her and Derek have the same class. The teacher was with a guest speaker.

"Today, we have a guest speaker this is Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein, they are from the Chicago Heath Department, give them a nice and warm welcome."

They clapped. Mrs. Goldstein spoke first.

"Good afternoon class, first of all, I have some questions for you. Question number one, have you been experiencing mood swings?"

Bethany and some but not all students raised their hands.

"Some of you...ok. Question number two, have you been experiencing sweaty and stinky armpits?"

All the kids raised their hands.

"Oh yes. The answer to all your problems is known as puberty. Puberty is a sign of both physical and mental maturity. We will continue this by having the boys follow my husband Mr. Goldstein to another room while the girls remain here with me."

Earl, a geeky classmate raised his hand.

"Yes Earl?" the teacher called.

"How come we have to be separated, we should be learning puberty of the opposite sex as well?"

"Amazing question Earl," Bethany said.

"Well, it'll cause an uproar. If the boys see what the girls go through especially at their age right now, they will crack jokes or get grossed out. That is a good question young man."

"Seeing a boy's you know what can lead to uproar too you know," Florence said.

"Oh it'll cause an uproar coming from you in a year if you know what I mean," Bethany said.

"Oh really Bethany, for you, coming from an orphaned life you won't know didley squat."

"For you, you'll be spending your college years sleeping around with an idiot called Chad with only one bleeding pill."

The class giggled.

"How dare you-"

"Girls settle down, let's not have to ruin this for every one. Now let's get on with the sex ed. Besides, they will learn about the opposite later in their school career."

The boys left, the kids learned about puberty.

After school, Bethany and Derek were walking in the house.

"That was interesting," Derek said.

"Very, but it is the way of life. I know it's awkward at first, then it'll be easier than a mole rat playing strip poker."

"So glad it's Friday, means we can watch a movie while we wait on dinner."

They went to the small shelf next to the TV to search for a movie.



They continued, Grant and Claire walked in.

"They're home from school," Claire said.

"What are they doing?"

"Picking out a movie."

Derek picked up another VHS.



"Oxford Blues?"

"Already saw it last weekend."

"That was hilarious."

"Goldie's a major babe," Grant said.

"What about Rebel Without A Cause, I always wanted to see it?" Bethany asked.

"Eww, that's old as Grandpa."

"Not that old, that was over three decades ago."

"It's old Bethany."

"And it's got James Dean in it," Claire said as she sighed and put her hands on her heart.

"Let's watch it...pretty please Derek. I'll do anything."

"Now let's not go overboard now, you're fourteen," Grant said.

"Well, I haven't seen it either, James Dean was a cool guy."

They put the movie in and started watching it. Grant and Claire sat on the couch. Jack walked in.

"Hey kids, how was school?"

"It was awkward," Derek said

"How come?"

"We had sex ed today."

"Oh...it's nothing to be ashamed of. Are you watching Rebel Without A Cause?"

"Yep, just put it in. I always wanted to watch it," Bethany said.

"You got good taste, I remember when James Dean was yesteryear's John Stamos. Then he died in a car crash at a very young age, right after he became a teenage idol."

Bethany motioned for Jack to get closer to her so she could whisper.

"Are my parents here?"

"Yes, right by you."

Jack walked to a chair and sat down to watch the movie. Grant held Bethany's hand. she felt it, looked to her right and smiled as she continued watching the movie.

Mike and Liz walked in the house from the kitchen entrance to see the rest of the family watching the movie.

"There they are, home from work," Grant said.

"What are you guys watching?"

"Rebel Without A Cause."

"That's odd. Who bought the movie?" Liz asked.

"I did," Mike said.

"Nice going Mike," Jack said.

They were all interested in the movie. Soon, Bethany got up and sat closer to the TV.

"Don't get too close Bethy, you'll burn your eyes out of their sockets," Grant said.

Looking at the screen, Bethany smiled, then she felt pink.

"It's official, I got a crush on James Dean," Bethany whispered to herself where no one can hear.

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