End Of Episode

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Grant and Claire were waiting in the living room. Liz and Mike were watching TV.

"I swear a jog doesn't take an hour and a half," Mike said.

"I guess he ran a long route."

"I guess he went to get my Bethy back," Grant said.

Jack walked in and stood in the doorway.

"Hey Daddy, how was your jog?"

"It was great, I took a little detour."

He motioned for Bethany to walk in.

"Bethany!" Liz gasped.

"I payed that foster lady a visit, I got her to sign the adoption papers. All you gotta do is sign and she's ours."

"We got our daughter back!" Claire said joyfully.

"Welcome home Bethany!" Mike said.

Derek walked downstairs.

"What's all the commotion?"

"Mrs. Dodson finally let us adopt Bethany! You have a sister!"

Derek saw Bethany, ran to her and gave her a hug.

"Group hug!" Bethany said.

They all formed a group hug, but a second after Grant and Claire joined in, they let go.

"It just got cooler in here all of a sudden," Liz said.

"Oh no, the air conditioner needs fixing!" Mike said.

"I could've swore it was working fine."

"I'll get my tools and take a look see."

Mike walked away.

"Let's not join in next time," Claire said.

Grant nodded then started walking to Bethany.

"Welcome home sweetheart, enjoy life with Plumberman and his band of hoodlums. But I'll tell you one thing, she'll find out we're ghosts eventually."

He blew his daughter a kiss.

"A father knows best."

Claire laughed.

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